Chapter 19

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I wish it snowed. Christmas would be more......magical if it did. Where I live, it doesn't snow. I was going to Carson's New Year's Party. Kobe was going and we haven't talked since that Friday. It was Aimee's fault. She planned it well. I honestly don't know what's up with that girl. Why can't she let me be happy? Speaking of Aimee, she posted a picture of me in an elf costume all over the Internet. However, she didn't get the reaction she wanted. Aimee was hoping I would get made fun of, but people thought it was cute. You see when everyone likes you and you are a trendsetter, people tend to follow and adore you. Aimee should learn a couple things from your's truly.


Summer, Lina, Kailah, and I walk into Carson's house. It was decked out with Christmas and New Year's decor. I noticed Carson with Aimee. I strut over there.

"Hey Carson."

"Hey, Paris," Carson says drunkly," You should try the punch."

"Mmmm, I think I will pass."

"How was your date with Kobe?" Asks Aimee smirking.

"Oh, yeah, Kobe never told me how it went," replies Carson," Did you make out?"

"Oh we had to cancel the date," I respond.

"Why?" Asks Aimee smiling.

"Well we were both......busy," I reply.

"That's too bad." I walk away from Aimee and Carson, klenching my fists. I looked back at her. She was giving me an evil smirk. I couldn't take it. I turn around and stomp back over to Aimee. She looked pretty surprised. Before she could say some stupid clueless comment, I slap her hard in the face. She covers her cheek and looks at me shocked.

"W-what was that for," she asks cluelessly.

"That was for ruining my chances with Kobe," I scream.

"Wha- wha-" I interrupt her by slapping her on her other cheek.

"That was for lying to everyone!" She gives me more clueless looks. I take my klenched fist and uppercut her right under the nose, probably breaking it. The blow causes her to fall over and onto the intoxicated punch bowl. She gets drenched in punch, and broken glass surrounds her body.

"That's for being fake." I strut away and I receive stares from everyone. They create a path for me, no one said a word. I walk into the upstairs bathroom, and hide. What did I do?


The room was silent. My breath was the only sound that was made. Did I do the right thing? Of course I didn't. Violence was never the answer, even if Aimee did deserve it. Maybe beating up Aimee will make people see her true colors. Or maybe it will backfire on me. I already know she is going to play the innocent act. She will probabaly twist the story. I hope Kobe didn't see. Actually I hope he did so he can see that I didn't purposely miss our date, and Aimee was the reason for it. I wish I could go back in time and make sure Aimee didn't try out for cheer. If she wouldn't have tried out, then there would be no reason for me to hang with her. She wouldn't hypnotize all my friends, and talk circles around them. Even Lina, Kailah, and Keeley are starting to like her. I'm not sure about Jake, though. I know Toby doesn't trust her. The rest of this year is going to be tough with Aimee around.

"Paris!" Yells someone from outside the door. I don't respond.

"Please! We need to talk!" Who was outside the door? I get up and walk to the door. I crack it open and see Aimee. I glare at her and slam the door.

"I'm not falling for your dirty tricks," I respond.

"Paris, everything you said wasn't true," she lies," I would never hurt your relationship with Kobe, or lie."

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