Chapter 33

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It has been 2 weeks since I broke up with Kobe and he hasn't talked or even looked at me. Aimee has been flirting with Kobe, but he isn't buying it. The people part of Operation: Get Rid of her Royal Fakeness have been trying to blow Aimee's cover but haven't found a thing. I have Jake and Rose looking up possible mental disorders that Aimee might have and their affects. Bryce and Blake are spying on Aimee, they are the reason I know Aimee is flirting with Kobe, and Toby, John, and I are trying to find more evidence connecting Samantha and Aimee. So far we haven't found a thing.

"Are you for sure Aimee is Samantha?" Toby asks.

"Yes, why do you keep doubting me!" I exclaim annoyed.

"Well we haven't found a thing In 3 weeks," John points out.

"I know but Aimee told me she was Samantha, and how do you explain the photograph Aimee has of Samantha and Kobe."

"Do you have proof of the picture?" Toby asks.

"No....,"I tell them," Wait actually I do!"

"You do?" They both say shocked.

"Well I don't have a picture of the photo, but I have a picture of the back of the photograph."

"Why?" John asks.

"Hold on," I demand. I pull out my phone and look through my pictures.

"There!" I exclaim showing them the picture.

"You will love me again.....?" Toby reads the back of the photograph aloud," What does that even mean?"

"Well Kobe loved Samantha once, and now he doesn't. So she wants him to love her again, that is why Samantha created a whole new identity for herself."

"Do you have anymore evidence?" Toby asks.

"Well I don't have visible proof, but the password of Aimee's computer is "Kamantha" which is a ship name of Samantha and Kobe."

"You might be right," John says.

"I told you!"

"Is there more?" Toby digs.

"Are you not convinced?"

"No, but we need more evidence." I thought back to Michigan, then I thought of Jessica and her scars. I haven't told anyone the reason I broke up with Kobe, but maybe I should tell John and Toby.

"Umm guys, I need to tell you why broke up with Kobe," I tell them.

"Don't tell me it is the same reason you broke up with us," John says.

"No, it is much more horrible."

"We are listening," Toby responds.

"Well in Michigan one of Kobe's friends, Jessica, warned me about Samantha. While Kobe was dating Samantha, Samantha thought that Jessica like Kobe. So she lit Jessica on fire," I confess," Samantha tried to kill Jessica because she thought she liked Kobe. Well I was dating Kobe. Who knows what she would have done. So I broke up with Kobe in fear of Samantha killing me. It was selfish, but until Samantha is out of the picture I can't associate with Kobe, or she will kill me."

"Paris......we have to get rid of Aimee," John replies.

"Yeah, and I know how," Toby tells us.

"How?" John and I both ask.

"Well I don't think Kobe was Aimee's first victim," Toby explains," I think we should figure out if Aimee had other victims and how she dealt with them."

"Well Aimee has been obsessed Kobe since 8th grade, I don't think there was anyone else," I point out.

"Well according to Kobe ,Samantha didn't show up until his sophomore year of high school. She might have been busy with someone else during freshmen year, our maybe she was obsessed with someone else before 8th grade."

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