Chapter 2

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My eyes were fixed on his beautiful face. His bright green- grey eyes, his perfect jawline, his lips, oh his lips were just perfect. Eight grade year. It was going to be perfect. It was my last year in middle school, and I wanted to get to know one of the most popular guys in school, Kobe. I have been at this school since 4th grade, and his mother was my teacher that year. She was the best teacher, and even in 4th grade I liked her son. It is a little werid that I haven't really talked to him. We did go to a camp this summer together. We were in the same group and everything. He was much nicer there, but in school he can be quite rude, but what do you expect from a teen boy who tries to be cool around his friends. Lina was sitting in front of me. She looked at me and a confused look crossed her face. I quickly stopped looking at Kobe.

"Hey," I say quickly.

"What were you staring at?" she asks. You see none of my friends know that I like Kobe. I liked him in 4th grade, but I only thought he was cute, since then I have stopped liking him. Now I am having mixed thoughts about him and I am not sure if I do like him. Everything changed at camp, but I don't want to tell my friends because then they will never let it go. I might tell them if I know for sure, but not now. Also Summer is sort of a blabber mouth.

"Umm, nothing....."

"Hmmm." Lina looks at me suspiciously and turns around. I slump in my chair, wondering what I should do.


"Do you see what she is wearing today? Ha! Is she trying to show off for the guys? Because it is not working," scoffs Summer.

"I mean she would have friends, if she wasn't annoying and rude," replies Lina.

"She needs help," implies Kailah. I listened to my friends make fun of a girl. We might seem mean, but if you met who we were talking about, then you would too.

"Hey Paris, you seem.....quiet," Summer notices.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" asks Kailah.

"Oh, I was just thinking," I say quietly.

"Wait a second! You were doing the same thing in 1st period!" Says Lina.

"Was I?" My friends look at me concerned. Just then the jock boys walk by where we are sitting. They walk over to us.

" Hey, guys vote for Kobe, for president," informs Carson.

"Umm....ok? Says Summer awkwardly. My heart skips a beat and my face starts to redden. Kobe was looking at me. I look down at my shoes, hoping he would leave.

Elections for student council were next Friday, but people were already starting to campaign. I didn't sign up for anything. Well I was going to run for president, but Kobe and this other popular girl are running, so I wouldn't stand a chance. You see I'm not the most popular person in the school, I'm sort of in the middle. I can hang out with the popular crowd but most of my friends are unpopular. One day I want to be the most popular girl in school, but right I have other things to worry about, like my friends finding out about me liking Kobe. I just know right when I tell them everyone will start to find out about it.


It was 5th period. I stood in the back of my social studies classroom waiting for my teacher, Miss Marge, to tell me where to sit. She was seating us in pairs, and there were only a couple kids left, including Kobe.

"Paris sit right here, and next to you will be Kobe," announces Miss Marge. I hold back a smile as I quickly walk to my seat. Kobe sat down quickly and slumped. Was he disappointed that he was sitting next to me. I followed his gaze which was at three of his friends, John, Blake, and Carson. He looked at me and I quickly turned my head. He noticed my binder which has various pictures of my friends and me. One of the pictures was of me and my friend that I met at the camp Kobe and I went to. Her name was Bailey, I still text her, but she lives about an hour away so I haven't seen her since then.

"Is that Bailey?" asks Kobe.

"Yes," I reply trying not to blush.

"Are you going to camp next summer?"

"Maybe, are you?" Kobe looks down and doesn't say anything. Oh no! Did I creep him out. Some how I end up creeping my crush out. In 6th grade I had this crush named Toby, and he knew I liked him. I think he got creeped out by me, but he still talked to me. He moved, and I used to think I was the reason why. I soon figured out that he was being bullied by his friends. I know I will see Toby again, because we are both going to Freedom High School. I had this feeling that Toby liked me, but that was impossible. No guy has ever liked me. All my friends have had a guy like them, but not me. It can get quite depressing, knowing nobody likes you. You start to lose self confidence. Maybe some guy does like me, but I just didn't know it. Or no guy likes me and I am right.


School ended after 7th period, Journalism, I rode the bus home with my bus buddy, Rose. She is easy to talk to and I can always talk to her about my problems. I could tell her that I like Kobe, because I know she won't tell anybody, but I don't think I am ready to. One day I will tell my friends, but today isn't the day.

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