Chapter 4 - Pearl has appeared and she wishes for blood

Start from the beginning

"Ah, Pearl. It's certainly interesting to meet you... But sadly, we need one victor. And it appears you brought someone else into these games... So we have another competitor in these games." The being weaved violet fire between their fingers, pulling Tilly into the air.

"And we cannot have a wolf for a victor, the contract said it had to be a player. I'm sorry, this may seem needlessly cruel with your mortal understanding. But it is required." With another twist of the violet flames around their hands, Tilly began to rapidly take damage, yelping in agony and fear.

"PEARL- PEARL BE CAREFUL- CARE FOR THE PACK" Tilly yelped out in panic, seemingly knowing her eminent demise.

"NO- DON'T HURT HER-" Pearl screamed, running forwards the being, as Tilly fell limp, her health depleted. It had been Tilly's final life... Tilly was dead. Permanently. "OH, you messed up..." She smiled up at the being, her eyes widening with anger. How dare they kill Tilly! She'd kill them! SHE'D KILL THEM FOR TOUCHING TILLY!

The dogs shared her sentiment as they furious leapt at the being, attempting to bite its ankles. The being, taken off guard by Pearl's reaction, had drifted a foot or so down. Violet, one of the larger wolves, managed to grab the being's foot in her jaw, pulling them off balance in their flight, and sending them crashing to the ground.

As the being fell to the ground, the three other unharmed wolves leapt onto them, pinning them to the ground. Pearl, smiling, walked forwards, placing her axe against the Being's throat.

"Any final words?" She smiled at the now-pinned masked being, pressing the axe a bit deeper into their skin. They weren't half as intimidating at her mercy, with a axe at their throat.

"I'm in danger. This is new." The being looked simply surprised, as if Pearl was a peculiar being they were unaware of.

As she was about to sever the beings spine from their skull, Pearl was blinded from a flash of violet light, as they flicked the violet fire in their hand around again. When her sight cleared, the being was gone, the wolves looking very confused.

Orchid, the youngest of the wolf pack, whimpered a apology. "I'm sorry- They were there then they weren't..."

"Don't worry. It wasn't your fault." She spoke. "We'll find them either way... They'll regret this." She turned to the injured wolves, going to help them.


A few hours later, Pearl decided to walk back to the spawn, alone this time. She had things she wanted to do. Alone. And besides, she may not trust the being, but they certainly didn't seem to want to murder her. Yet, at least.

She looked at hole where Scott had died, his corpse blown to pieces, so there wasn't even anything to bury. "I wasn't going to forgive you. You were the cause of all of this... But you let me win. I don't know why, but you did. I forgive you Scott, I suppose." She turned on her heel, and spotted Tilly's corpse, wounds all ver from where the purple fire cut into her flesh, a pool of blood surrounding her companion, the only one  who never abandoned her.

Saddened, she began to dig a grave for Tilly, and carefully placed her inside. After filling it up, she kneeled before the grave.

They all were dead now.

The thought her, and she began to chuckle, devolving into hysterical laughter. This whole thing was hilarious- The ones who abandoned her leaving her for dirt had all turned to her on those final days! The person who couldn't keep an alliance for one day had been the one everyone all turned to for help! And now they were all dead, everyone who ever wronged her, everyone who turned her away, everyone who hurt her or her wolves. They were all dead! She'd won! She'd beat them all! All thanks to Scott... Thanks to his sacrifice.

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