Chapter 34 ~Alive

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"Innalilahi wainailaihirajiun " rahma kept saying as Ahmad approached her with a mischievous smile on his face her body began to shake she felt her back hit a wall and her eyes grew wide she couldn't run anywhere she was trapped now

All the while Bilal was beaten by the men and Ahmad trapped rahma his face barely an inch above hers her eyes were shot closed as she trembled she felt his breath on her face and then she kicked him where she knew it would hurt him and then he fell on the ground groaning in pain

Rahma stared at him I'm horror as he fell she tried to run but he grabbed on to her abaya and regained his strength

He pinned her to the wall and grabbed her arms tightly his eyes were filled with rage and rahma avoided them he forced a kiss on her and she screamed and struggled to get out of his grip he kissed her on the lips and then on the cheeks ,she began to scream and Bilal began to scream too

Just then the sound of the siren filled the room the police was here realizing what was going on Ahmad shouted over to the guys to get out of here they grabbed the money and the woman was about to run too when a bleeding Bilal held on to her hijab she tried to get out of his grip but he stood on his feet and grabbed her ,he took his baby from her grip and slapped her across her face but then she pushed him a bit a tan for her life , Bilal looked around but he couldn't see rahma or Ahmad anywhere they had disappeared just by the side he heard rahma scream , holding baby iman tight he Followed the sound of his wife just then the police came in running around the factory as the inspector shouted orders they surrounded the place and 3 of them followed Bilal and they found Ahmad trying to rape rahma and immediately he saw them he he pointed his gone to rahma's head who was crying profusely

" bilaaaal" rahma shouted

But Ahmad gripped her tightly

" I'll shoot her I swear if I can't have her then nobody can 

Bilal took careful steps towards them

" if you shoot her you'll regret it " Bilal said gutting his teeth he was furious

Bilal quickly kicked Ahmad in the chest with his right leg and Ahmad tripped letting go of rahma and the sound of gunshot filled the room


Rahma sat in the hospital room holding baby iman in her hands ,she looked at her beautiful daughter who had gotten big she looked like her father she had rahma's eyes and Bilal's nose she was very fair too like her father it was obvious that Ahmad took good care of the child though he had bad intentions

She gave baby iman to aysha who was sitting beside her immediately they came to her hospital the found every single one of their family there she hugged them and cried and they all tried to console her as Bilal 's wound was dressed thank god the bullet only grazed his arm so he was all good but he had other wounds and the doctor had to run a few tests to make sure he wasn't bleeding internally

Rahma rested her head on her mom and she let the tears flow as she sobbed she thanked god for they all came back from that place alive .

Bilal woke up to the sound of crying someone was crying and it was disturbing his slumber he tried to sit down but there was a harp piercing pain on his forearm

He groaned in pain and sat up he blinked trying to adjust to the light of the room he found aysha rocking baby iman who was crying so much and by the right on a sofa rahma was fast asleep he looked around and it looked like everyone left except her

" shh baby iman" aysha cooed as she went back and forth

But the baby refused aysha got tired and sat down all the while Bilal watched her quietly

"Rahma " aysha called patting rahma slightly

" wait give her to me let her sleep Bilal said trying to get up aysha snapped her head to her brother and she was immediately beside him

" no don't she'll calm down when her mother feeds her " aysha said shushing baby iman in her hands

Bilal nodded as he was obviously in pain and laid back down on the bed

Aysha woke rahma and rahma was finding it difficult to understand anything she was still very sleepy

She sighed and scooped up the bay in her arms she tried to feed her but the baby wasn't taking it rahma frowned in confusion

And then she realized she gasped in horror ,baby iman was not used to her mother's milk

" wait I think she's not used to having your milk let me go out and buy baby milk and then we'll try and see

Rahma nodded as her eyes were filled within unshed  tears

She looked once more at baby iman and kissed her forehead

She'll never forgive Ahmad for what he did


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