Chapter 33 ~ intense

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Hello guys forgive me I've been busy

It was a Sunday afternoon rahma and Bilal were both sitting in the inspectors office as the search for baby iman continued ,rahma sighed for the umpteenth time since they came , she stared at the inspector who was making a call , her eyes had gone dry she couldn't cry anymore one could say that she had given up already but deep inside in her heart she hoped and prayed for her daughter every single minute ,

" alright " the inspector said before he hanged up

" we're very close to finding out where they're hiding " the inspector said looking at both rahma and her husband

" and the suspect isn't telling us much so we just have to rely on our team to find them "

Rahma rolled her yes , she was beginning to despise the man he has been saying that ever since she was certain he was lying now

Bilal frowned at the inspector trying so hard not to let out his anger he was getting tired of hearing this words , he opens his mouth to say something but then he closed it again

He nodded at the inspector and left the room rahma following him behind

Immediately he sat in the car he felt his anger rising again , he was so tired , he hasn't slept in days ,he neglected his work too , he just wasn't himself,  he glanced at rahma who was staring at him quietly her expression blank , his eyes softened she had changed completely too ,she didn't talk to him she only nodded and acted like a zombie when he tried to speak to her or get close to her it was hurting him he didn't know how to help her this situation was bad enough and it was affecting both of them mentally.

" what are we going to do rahma " he whispered to her

Rahma just continued to stare at him blankly

After a few minutes she spoke

"I think we should just give them what they want Bilal that's our only option " she paused and swallowed the tears

" the police ardent helping as you can see " she said sniffling Bilal held her hands in his and squeezed it gently

he looked out the window maybe that was thier lonely option he'll have to think about it tho

His father had called every person he knew to help him in this case but all of them said the same thing DO NOT PAY THE RANSOM

It was annoying and they haven't helped them in any way , Bilal shook his head at the situation truly police in this country are a joke


Bilal and rahma stared at the big black duffel bag that sat on the center table in the living room

The kidnappers called earlier and this time they had a different demand rahma will have go  all alone with the money in cash and if they bring the police the kidnappers threatened to kill the baby on spot Bilal groaned as he shifted in his seat his head in his hands as he sat at the edge of the chair rahma beside him deep in thought

" I still don't think this is a good idea ,why should we trust him ?"

" I don't think I can loose someone I love again it'll be to much " Bilal said this time standing up and headed towards the window he stared at the window as rain made soft noises on the windows

Seeing his worry rahma stood up and carefully walked towards him and hugged him from behind she put he head on his broad back ,she felt him relax in her arms ,she was really scared but she didn't want him to see her like that so she mustered up all her courage and spoke

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