Chapter 8~Marriage

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"Marriage " her father's voice echoed in her head "innalilahi "she kept chanting in her head

"marriage an arranged marriage too she paced inside her big room

Ya allah how am I suppose to get out of this situation I don't want to get married at least not now , oh allah help me , she prayed 2 nafils and prayed to almighty Allah to help her rahama didn't sleep that night until morning

"So you mean to say you're getting married in 5 months don't joke right now rahama "Murja asked sitting beside her friend who was crying she came immediately after her friend told her everything

Rahama didn't reply her she was too busy thinking about her doomed future

"Let me get some water for you "Murja said leaving the room she returned with a glass of water and gave it to her friend. , rahama gulped down the water and wiped the tears from her face

Murja was her best friend and human diary ,she shared everything with her and vice versa

Her mind wandered of too her father again why does he want to her to get married she was barely 22 but it's like he's eager to get her out of the house but deep in her heart she knew her father will never make the wrong choice for her he cared for her didn't he ? With that thought she wiped away some more tears and faced her friend ,

" I'm not going to cry anymore ,I have to stay strong she said sniffling in between words

"Come lets go to school I'll just get ready " she said to Murja standing up to go to the bathroom

Murja just nodded she was worried for her friend


Bilal was working on his laptop in the small veranda outside the living room when his mother approached him with a tray with tea and cake
They sat together in silence as Bilal continued to work on his laptop

Bilal was a mummy's boy being the only boy in the family he got the special treatment from his parents he was a very good son and brother ,he was also the quote type and hand he does  something he does it wholeheartedly

Bilal was a very handsome man he was 6ft tall and he had a neatly treated beard he had his mother's eyes and complexion ,he looked very much like his mother who was a Fulani woman he took after his father's height but every thing about him screamed his mother hajiya zeenat

He stole a glance at his mom she was deep in thought, " umma what's wrong what are you thinking about he asked closing his laptop giving her all his attention

"Nothing bilu i was just thinking about what your father said the other day it's troubling me a bit ,I shouldn't tell you just yet I want you to hear it from him " she said giving him a gentle smile

Bilal shifted in his seat suddenly feeling uncomfortable he just nodded at his mom and said " I hope it's nothing serious " looking at his mom skeptically Bilal wondered if it was about his father's illness but no he knew everything about his father's illness what could it be then ? He looked at his mother again she was deep in thought again he just sighed and continued what he was doing ,

Later at dinner Bilal and his parents sat on the dining table as maids went in and out of the kitchen bringing the food Bilal served himself and began to eat

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