Chapter 3~pair of brown eyes

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how i imagine little ahmad without the braid

The next morning bilal woke up with a start he had a terrible nightmare he didn't make dua before he went to bed he mumbled a dua and got off his bed to pray ,he prayed for a while and he checked the time it was 9 in the morning he was late for work because he slept after going to the mosque with his dad he then went to shower, he remembered the young girl from yesterday  with the big brown eyes he smiled at the thought it was his mission to find her now and he certainly will one way or another sooner or later inshallah he hoped


Bilal went down for breakfast he entered the dining room where his mom and dad and his cousin zulaiha sat having breakfast his dad was sitting at the far end ,his mom was beside him zulaiha was beside her ,they ate in silence the sound of the plate and spoons clattering filled the room

" Salam alaikum "he greeted

"Walaikum Salam" they answered in unison
Zulaiha greeted him as he went around the table to serve himself coffee

"Come have breakfast bilal you're not just going to have coffee are you ?"his mom asked ,

No umma I'm going to eat he assured he replied smiling she never lets him leave without eating even if he doesn't she'll send breakfast to his office ,
He sat opposite his mom and beside his dad he served himself eggs and sausages and he began to eat

" Bilal how's the project going ?"his father suddenly asked

"It's going great Baba we're painting the walls now and I'll still have to buy more wallpapers and talk with the plumber today after work

He continued to tell his father about the project as they ate
After eating he said goodbye to his parents and zulaiha as he headed outside

"Ya Bilal " a voice shouted form behind him oh no what again he was already late for work what is it now he turned around to face the owner of the voice he knew it was zulaiha she was the only one who called him ya bilal in the house

"What ?" He said folding his hands

"Can you drop me off at school since it's on your way ,umma sent the driver on an errand she said you'll drop me off " she finished looking at everywhere but him

" Uhm sure let's go "he said going around his car he started the engine as he waited for her to get in

Zulaiha quickly got in the car she buckled her seatbelt as they drove out of the house ,

He was quiet through out the ride he dropped her off at the parking lot of the school "

"Who is going to pick you up ? "He asked her

she couldn't look him in the eye "Uhm the driver will be back by then so he's gonna pick me up "she said playing with her phone case

"Okay " he said

she got out of the car as she watched him drive towards the gate she turned around towards the direction of the building as she began to think of Bilal again she had a crush on him in that's why she always acted shy around him she never looks him in the eye she was afraid he'll see right through her and find out she had feeling for him she doesn't know why though , His eyes scared her they were always calculating and like he was trying to figure something about her she loved his eyes they were beautiful she thought she was stealing glances at him on the dining table as they ate he was just so handsome no beautiful , he was so tall and built his eyes were like his mom's but his other features were his dad's he was brown skinned like his dad and his hair was curly like a baby he was just amazing all her friends had a crush on him too whenever he comes to pick her up or drop her off in school they always got excited she sometimes got jealous ,she mumbled a prayer as she entered the class


Bilal got a call as he drove out of the school he parked to answer the call it was aminu his friend

" hey man why aren't you here yet aren't you coming ? Aminu daud from the other side

" I'm on my way I'll be there in 10 minutes "he replied

" okay hurry up " aminu said disconnecting the call

Bilal sighed as he drove out he was about to make a tudun when his eyes connected briefly with a pair of big brown eyes driving towards the school it was her he realized but she was wearing glasses she looked better without glasses he frowned a bit he watched her drive into the school so she went there he thought interesting he'll surely comeback later to see her again he smiled as made his way to the office.

After work Bilal went straight to the site where he was working on a project he was there for till maghrib he prayed maghrib and payed the plumber
As he got inside the car his phone began to ring he checked to see who it was
Aysha he read smiling
" what's up sis " he answered
" Bilaaaal "she said sobbing into the phone

Bilal sat up straight his heart began to hammer " whaat? what happened ?? Why are you crying he Began to panic

"It's... its ahmad "she said sobbing
Bilal's heart skipped a beat " what happened to ahmad he said his face turned pale

"Just come to the hospital "she said sobbing "okay okay I'm on my way inshallah " he disconnected the call and drove out of the site

On his way Bilal thought of what might have happened to ahmad oh no aysha will not be able to take it if anything happens to him he meant everything to her and her husband he prayed for his nephew as he drove into the hospital's parking lot


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