Chapter 7 ~proposal

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Switching to 3rd person !

Sa'id bello sat in his office chair as he looked through the files on his table , as he signed the papers there was a knock on the door , "come in " he said the man who looked around the same age as him walked in and sat on the chair opposite to him he shook his hand in a friendly manner

" senator abubakar long time no see " sa'id bello said as they both sat down

Senator Abubakar Sadiq smiled at his friend " I know right ? I've been away for quite some time but now I'm back ,
he said as he took out the papers out of his bag

they talked for a few minutes and mr sa'id ordered for some tea they had their tea and cake and chatted

"My friend I have a proposal for you and I'll think you'll like it ", Abubakar said sipping his tea

"Oh really tell me "

" I want my son to marry your daughter"


"Arranged marriage ? For my son why abubakar? He's still very much young he can still find a wife it's not late ! "Zeenat said shaking her head and rubbing her temples

"Still young zeenat ? , The boy is 32 years old for goodness sake zeenat , all his sisters a married and he's my only son, I want to see his child before I die , which can be at any moment now I'm dying zeenat ! , you know the doctor said I don't have time I'm lucky I'm even standing right now, ! I know you don't die before your time zeenat but I still want to see him settled before I go " abubakar said as he took his medicines

Zeenat only stared at him she didn't know what to say she only hoped he got the right girl for her son she can't see her son miserable , how can she talk him out of this ? Then she remembered her husband didn't not changed his mind once he's made it up.

" who is she ? " she asked watching him as he changed his clothes and moved to the couch in their room

" you know my friend sa'id koh ? "She only nodded , " well his last daughter you know he only has 2 daughters samira and rahama right ? "She nodded once again , she felt relief

"Well I want him to marry rahama "


Rahama ate her sandwich quietly as she listened to her friends argue about something ,she was not sure of what they were talking about they met her in the cafeteria a few minutes ago
and they've been talking since they've arrived

" I'm sure he's after her that's why he's been following her around i bet he wants something " fadeela said opening the wrapped sandwich in front of her

"I don't think so maybe it's a bet he made from his friends to see if he could win her heart or trick her " Murja retorted

" who are you guys talking about ?! " I'm sick of hearing him and her "Rahama said half yelling , " just say their names or stop talking "

"We're talking about you and Ahmad ,we're trying to see why he's following you we all know about his famous reputation "Murja replied her

Rahama rolled her eyes at them , she stared at her friends ,she also was curious about why the guy keeps on calling her and following her around school , he left the cafeteria like 5 minutes before her fiends came ,he was talking about something to her nonstop , she didn't pretend to listen she ignored him the whole time and he got tired and left she hoped it was neither what they said or what she was thinking she'll have to ask him though,

"Why do you keep following me ?" Rahama asked him later that afternoon in the garden , he met her there while she was reading for her test

" isn't it obvious ? He asked her lifting a brow , rahama just stared at him she noticed the little scar on his cheek bone you can't see it unless you're really close to him and she was right now she scanned her eyes to see any hint of amusement or sarcasm in his face but he had a very serious face on

" no it's not ,tell me " she replied him

He pouted and looked at her with his big eyes she waited for him to answer

" because I like you mana and I'm chasing away the boys he said winking  at her " I have to go " he said standing I'll call you later

Rahama just nodded her mind filled with questions what does he mean by he likes her ? Like like her like her or like a friend like her as she chew her lips she a habit she does when she's nervous shook her head and continued reading.


After the test rahama went straight home she went to her room to freshen up and then she came back downstairs she saw her family on the dining table eating dinner she pulled out a chair and sat down she greeted her parents and served some hot waina and chilled zobo

They ate in silence before her father broke the silence by asking " rahama how was school ? " rahama  swallowed her food and answered " it was good alhamduliah abba I wrote a test today and everything's fine" she said continuing to eat her food

"Do you remember the promise you made to me 4 years ago ? " he asked again staring into her eyes his face serious , rahama looked away she swallowed hard of course she remembers ,she was hoping he would have forgotten guess not ,she kept her spoon and looked towards her father's direction " yess abba of course I remember "she said smiling a little she was suddenly nervous she didn't have a good feeling about this

" well it's time to fulfill that promise my dear you know I'll always choose what's best for you and I'll like for you to respect my decision okay ?

Rahama's eyes widened her heart beat was going fast her palms were sweaty she gulped again " yes.. abba

Her father nodded she stole a glance at her mother who was simply eating and looking down at her plate she was frowning a bit ,this was not good rahama thought

"I've chosen a husband for you my dear and you'll be married in the next 5 months


Don don don !!

Rahma حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن