Chapter 11 ~bookings

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2 months later

Rahama struggled with the high heels shoes that her sister gave her to try on they were currently in her room trying out the stuff they bought online for the wedding

" I can't wear this adda I'll fall on my face and that wicked groom will laugh at me " rahama said removing the shoes and folding her hands

Her sister gasped " you're calling your groom wicked ? ,allah ya shirya ki " samira said as she handed her another sliver shoe

She tried it on for like 2 minutes and then she tried on the other shoes after they were done they ate lunch and went for her fitting, there were only 4 weeks till the wedding and Everyone was busy with the preparations except for rahama she did not give a damn about anything her sister was the one doing the job she chose the fabric , she chose the design and pretty much everything she even helped Murja find the ashoebi

Rahama looked at her green dress in the mirror it fitted her like a globe bringing out her curves the corset was to tight tho

" I think it's tight around this area " rahama said to her sister pointing at the corset feeling the material with her hand , " it's perfect you can breathe can't you ? " Samira asked not waiting for her answer she got up to answer a call outside

Rahama looked at her self in the mirror once again she loved the green dress she'll happily wear it if she was getting married to someone she loved she sighed and got down from the chair she was standing on , The  nice woman who made her dress helped her out of the dress samira came in after a while

" I've successfully booked the hall for the kamu it's going to be beautiful" she said jumping in excitement

Sometimes her sister acted as if she didn't have a husband and 2 kids

Rahama didn't say a word she simply took her bag and left to go sit in the car

Rahama sat in the classroom with Murja and fadeela and zainab they were currently talking about the wedding but rahama was not listening she was watching stories on her Snapchat

"You're getting married ?! " they heard someone shout from the far end of the classroom they watched as ahmad approached. them with a frown , he went straight to where rahama was sitting at the back

" when were you going to tell me ? He asked putting both his hands on the table as he looked into her eyes he was not happy she noted but why ?

"Answer me damn it " he yelled

Rahama was now angry  " don't shout at me ever again " she said calmly looking into his eyes
  She moistened her lips and as she said " why should I even tell you ? Are we friends? Just because you've been following me around for the last 2 months doesn't mean we're friends okay ? She finished as she took her bag and left he stared at her retreating back as he boiled with anger

He followed her to the packing lot rahama saw him in front of her car as she got back from the girls toilet

The audacity of this man

She sighed and adjusted her stance
"ahmad please don't do this I'm going to be a married woman in 3  weeks I know you like me but i don't ... she hesitated thinking it'll hurt his feelings but she said it nonetheless " feel the same .

Ahmad laughed it was a creepy laugh rahama raised her eyebrow is he fine ?

"You're mine and I'm going to have you one way or another okay " he said and left her standing there stunned

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