I looked down under me to see a soft blanket. Where did he-? Wait. . . He is a Shadowman, so he disappeared. I feel so stupid. I feel like a Baka.

"What is wrong with you? You are acting really strange."

"Huh? Oh. . . I'm okay. I'm fine. . . What did you want?" I turned over onto my back to look at Dustfinger, but instead I looked up at the top of the tent.

"Well. . . I just wanted to give you the medicine from Brianna and Roxane. . . I saw you run in here before I saw Brianna. Why did you do that?" I lifted my head to stare at him.

"Are you sure you want to know?" He just nodded. "You know how I feel about Roxane, well. . . I hate Brianna even more. . . Not only because she's your kid. . . She is even more of a Bee with an itch then Roxane. I really hate her." He looked like he didn't know what to say. I sat up and pointed at him. "I told you it wouldn't be nice."

He lifted an eyebrow.

"No, you didn't. You said nothing like that in any way.."

"Yes I did! I did when I ask if you really wanted me to tell you!"I yelled. He put his hands up in a way to shut me up. I pouted. He always does this when I try and talk to him. I feel like smacking him upside the head! Hey, I've done it before. "Hey, Dustfinger? Do you remember when I smacked you?" I ask him out of the blue. His jaw dropped as he just stared at me. I think I caught him off guard. "Well? Do you or don't you?" I ask.

"Oh, sorry. . . You just brought back the memory of how scared I can be of you. . . So, what do you think my answer is, Lexi?"

I grinned up at him sweetly.

"I think that you faintly remember it. . . It was your own fault, after all."

He sat down by me and laid down. I was temped to cuddle with him, but, since it The Prince's tent, I didn't.

"You and Farid are such a handful. . . Sometimes I wonder why I even deal with it." He sighed. I sat on his belly with one leg on either side of him. I set my hands on his chest and looked down into his face. Until he covered his eyes with both of his arms.

"Do you wish that I'd never followed you and Farid here?"

"Sometimes yes. . . When my kid grew up, I was hoping that I wouldn't have to deal with anymore. But, I guess I was wrong." Dustfinger whispered.

It made me sad to hear that.

"So. . . Would you rather me leave and you never see me again?" I laid my head on his chest, so I could hear his heartbeat and him. . .

Wait! I swear he just gasped. Did he? Even though he gasped, he didn't move or talk. I felt like falling asleep right here because I was not in any pain and his body heat was so warm and nice.

I was almost asleep when all of a sudden he started to sit up. I rolled off of him and laid next to him. I opened my mouth and let out a big yawn.

"I was almost asleep until you moved. . ." I whispered.

"If you want to go to sleep that badly then let me go get Farid or Prince or even Doria. I don't want to interrupt your sleep anymore."

I sat up and pushed him over.

"What did I do to make you so mad? I was just trying to sleep! There's no reason for you to be so mean." I told him.

"But. . . You don't understand. . . And I don't think you ever will. . ." Dustfinger whispered so low that I couldn't even hear what he said.

"Besides. . . I want. . . You!" I had grabbed his arm and pulled him back towards me. But, instead of falling back next to me, he fell back on me. Right away, though, I started blushing because his face was on my chest, or should I say my boobs?! "Dustfinger. . . I, uh. . . Um, I-" I stopped when the second most worst pain ever shot up my left side. "Ah!" I screamed.

Dustfinger got off of me and sat down beside me. It hurt so bad that I wanted to cry. To tell you the truth, the tears were in my eyes, but I wouldn't let them out.

"Farid! Prince! Get in here! Now!" I heard Dustfinger yell. I was on my side and grabbed onto his hand.

He wanted to hold me tight and stop the pain, but he knew that he couldn't and he didn't even want to try because he was trying not to believe that he really loves me. So, he thought that if nobody saw then it wouldn't be real. Even though it really hurt, I smiled at him.

"Wow. . . Prince and Farid are taking awhile."

Dustfinger just shook his head and smirked.

"Only you would be in this much pain and still be able to joke about something."

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