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Everything happens for a reason

a month later.

Madeline and Odette sat in front of a grave. Madeline's mom passed a week after the mission, which left both of them devastated. 

Reuben has been there for the both of them along with Bradley, Piper, Natasha and many more. 

"Why did Mamaw had to leave?" Odette asked. "She couldn't fight anymore sweetheart, I know it's painful but Mamaw is at peace, she's not hurting anymore." Madeline said. Odette sighed. "But I promise you, someday... we'll meet again." Madeline added. 

Odette looked up at her mom, "So you want to meet up with Reuben?" She questioned which caused the girl nod her head rapidly and Madeline to giggle at her daughter.


Madeline pulled up to the Hard Deck. Odette looked around the parking lot, "It's usually busy but it's just us pilots, are you ready to see everyone?" Madeline asked and Odette nodded her head happily.

Madeline helped Odette out of her seat, which Odette quickly grabbed her mom's hand after she shut her door, Odette led her to the door. "Slow down Odette." Madeline said with a giggle. 

The door opened everyone looked into the direction. "Hey Reuben! Your Girls are here!" Mickey shouted. Reuben looked over and saw the two of them then smile. Odette ran towards him, he picked her up and spinned her around which caused her to giggle.

Piper hugged Madeline. "How's is it with Maverick and Bradley?" Madeline asked. "Good, but how have you been?" Piper asked. "I visited my mom's grave, I still can't believe she's gone, it happened so sudden but like I told Odette, she's no longer in pain... I know Reuben was sent our way and I am glad." Madeline said which caused Piper to smile. "He really loves both of you." Piper said. "Which is what I always wanted." Madeline said and Piper smiled even more.

Then Madeline saw Cassandra being cozy with Jake. "Wow Seresin, you got her to stay?" Madeline said to Jake. Cassandra shook her head, "Since you stay, how about we go head to head?" Madeline challenged Cassandra. Cassandra smirk, "Your on." She said.


"Damn it." Cassandra said. "I told you...I'm that good." Madeline said. 

"At least their not fighting." Javy said. Piper looked at Javy, "They put the rivalry to rest which I'm glad." Piper said as Bradley wrapped his arms around her which caused her to smile. "How has she been without her mother?" Robert then asked.

Piper looked over. "I know she's lost, I know I am because I adore her but She has Reuben, both her and Odette." Piper said then she looked at Reuben who was attending to Odette, She saw the little girl giggle, which warmed her heart.

Madeline looked at Reuben, He looked at her. "You know it's not polite to stare Ms. Parker." Reuben said. She rose a brow at him, "How cannot when you are holding the cutest little girl in your arms." Madeline said. He smiled. "That I cannot argue with."  Reuben said which caused her to smile back at him.

"Hate to break it, Reuben you got Odette wrapped around your finger, it's not even funny." Jake said. "Honestly, but do you see the bond between them?" Cassandra questioned her boyfriend. He nodded. Madeline smiled and stepped outside, Natasha and Piper followed.

"You okay?" Piper said as her and Natasha held onto her. "Yeah..." She said as tears began to stream. "Madeline." Natasha said sternly.

"It feels good to see Odette finally have somewhat of a father figure, she's not even Reuben's and he loves her like she's his own blood. Her own father has nothing to do with her, but it's his lost." Madeline said as she wiped the tears that fell. Piper and Natasha looked at each other and smiled.

"Can you imagine the little ones you two will have together." Piper said. "Oh my goodness, we have only been together for a month, but let's talk about you and Bradshaw in there." Madeline said which Piper's cheeks redden. "Goodness, all I have to do is mention him and you turn red." Madeline said as her and Natasha giggled. "That's love." Natasha said. 


The three of them walked back inside, Madeline saw the Odette was asleep in Reuben's arms. "He won't put her down, he wouldn't let Javy or Mickey have her." Bradley said. Madeline smiled. "He loves that little girl then life it's self." Piper tells him. Madeline approached him, "Word on the street is that, you won't share a certain little girl." Madeline said. Reuben looked at her, "Okay, you caught me, I just..." Reuben said. 

"You love her." Madeline said. He smiled at her, "Just like I love her mother." Reuben said with a smile. She smiled back at him.


Madeline tucked Odette into bed, she had the white rabbit that Maverick gifted her after our mission. She smiled at her daughter then walked out of the room, left the door opened halfway.

Piper was with Rooster, most likely spending the night with him as well but Madeline didn't mind it.

She walked into the living room, she saw a picture of her mom with Odette. She smiled a bit, "I miss you mom." She said to herself then the door knocked. 

Madeline opened the door to find her boyfriend standing there. "Well, well." Madeline said. "I was thinking we could have a movie night." Reuben said which caused her to smile. "Of course, I'll cook us something." Madeline said. 


They sat on the couch with some pizza and watching Morbus. "People don't like this movie... I can somewhat see why." Madeline said. "What movie have you forbid Odette to watch?" Reuben asked. "Cat in the hat." Madeline mumbled loud enough for him to hear. "What? what's wrong with Cat in the hat." Reuben questioned. Madeline chuckled at him.

"Reuben, Love. It's bad. A lot of inappropriate jokes. the book is better and it was so bad that Dr. Seuss's wife told the company that made it.. don't ever do that again... don't ever do another Dr. Seuss movie again." Madeline said. "Really? Then what about the Grinch" Reuben said. "Yeah really and The Grinch... the Grinch was good in my opinion." Madeline said

"Good enough that three of us can watch it during the holidays?" Reuben asked. "Yeah." Madeline said with a smile.

Madeline hummed. "What's on your mind?" Reuben said to her. She looked at him. "I am just really looking forward to what to future holds for the three of us." Madeline replied. "Same here."


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