22. Where It Ends

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Ryan's POV:

"So you've been lying to me this whole time?" Omar looked at me with a slight look of betrayal and annoyance.

"She lied to me as well," I responded back. "It was hard for me to believe the first time I've been told that but it's true. Veronica has a long history of violence and her...."

"Killing people," he finished my sentence. "Did Veronica ever talk to you about it? Or Michael is the only one who had to tell you?" He questioned on further.

I sighed and turned to face the ground instead of him, "She told me...I thought keeping her secrets would keep my family safe but I was wrong. It did more damage than good."

"I really wish you would've told me this the first time we met maybe then we would've gotten a lead to this investigation," he said to me. "Now we're possibly facing something that's far beyond what I expected. If Veronica has a long history of criminal records that pertains to murder, then that means any authority figure that gets involved in this case would treat her the same as a criminal, meaning all necessary forces will be used to not only detain Michael but her as well....."

"That's why I'm asking you to take me to her before things gets worse, please...." I pleaded to him. "Wouldn't you do anything to protect the ones you love. Place yourself in my shoes....please."

His eyes furrowed in perplexity, taking the time to think to himself. "Please..." I said one last time hoping he'd give in and actually help me.

"If we get her out of that bank, I can't a hundred percent guarantee you that your wife will out of there free," he then said to me. "I'm going to tell those guys over there that I had a dispatch call, then we'll take my car to get to the bank." Before he had the chance to walk off, I stopped him pulling his arm back. He turned around to face me and at that moment I brought him in for a tight hug, feeling every emotion running through my body.

"Thank you.." I said with a shaky voice.

"We need to hurry," he patted me on the back before letting go.

Veronica's POV:

"Have I ever told you the story of how Sierra and I met?" He said to me. My eyes were facing the ground while my knees were aching from sitting in this position. I could still feel the the gun pressed against my head. He sat on the receptionist desk while my back faced him with my arms behind my back as he instructed.

"No," I said lowly. "You haven't."

I could hear the sounds of the mega phones and sirens still blaring outside. The phone inside the bank rang about eight times and each time it rang, Michael chose to ignore it. In fact, he's ignoring everything that's been going on and pretending like everything was fine. He payed no attention to the cameras, which were clearly on and the police outside are probably watching us or even broadcasting us to the public. The SWAT team could easily barge in here due to how nonsecure the place was. I mean what does locking the front doors really do? If they can't get into to front, there's plenty of ways. But he clearly doesn't seem to care about anything around us.

"It's funny actually," he chuckled to himself. "It was a blind date. I remember it so vividly. I remember being nervous after hearing about her because she was a bit younger than me and a little wealthier. So my first thought was, 'how on earth am I supposed to impress a girl like that?' but to my surprise we've clicked instantly. It's like we've knew each other in a past life or something. She had so much charm...." He trailed off. I couldn't tell rather discussing this with me was hurting him or not but it was making me feel some type of way. "She was so gorgeous. I loved her, I loved her from the moment she stepped in front of me. I remember taking her to this karaoke themed restaurant, now that I think about it, that's probably the worst spot for a first date," he laughed to himself. "Then we had takeouts and parked the car near the pier that overlooked the city. It felt like a scene from the fucking notebook or something. That was probably the second best moment of my life," his last words fainted quietly. "I didn't deserve her......" he then said afterwards which caught me by surprise. "But.......she didn't deserve what happened to her either. You know I almost killed myself in jail because I couldn't bare the same thoughts of what happened that night replay in my head."

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