19. No Escape Pt 1

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Michael's POV:

He stood across from me with a look of panic and shock on his face. He's been staring at my jacket pocket for a while now and there's no doubt he already figured out that I'm holding a gun. I didn't think the gun was necessary and I didn't want to bring it with me at all but I figured I shouldn't risk anything since I barely know what this guy is about. He's taller than me and has muscles on him, if he chooses to fight it out, then it'll be a bigger problem for me.

I honestly didn't want to resort to this route. The one thing I didn't want to do is get other people involved especially a person who seems to have good intentions. But now I have no other choice, I've already started the mess, now it's time to finish it.

"It was you wasn't it?" He said furrowing his brows. "You're responsible for Veronica's disappearance.

I shrugged, "you can't say, I didn't warn you."

"You son of a bitch—"

Before he could charge at me, I swiftly took out the gun in my pocket and pointed straight at him. He stopped in his tracks and froze in place. "I really didn't want to get you involved Ryan but like I said, I tend to get my revenge one way or another."

"I swear to God if you laid a finger—"

"She's fine," I interrupted him. "In fact, I told her I would pay you a visit and I think she'll be more than happy to see you. I want you to slowly back up towards your car," I instructed him.

"My son is sleeping in there. Please whatever you plan on doing, it's not going to get you what you want," he said.

"Whatever I'm planning to do is the only way to get justice for my family and grant me the will to see my child. I'm not going to repeat myself again, slowly back up towards your car," I said to him keeping my composure.

He did as he was told. He took slow steps back to his car, until he hit the bumper. "Place your hands behind the back of your head," I said to him, keeping the gun aimed at him. He raised both arms in the air before placing it behind his head. I slowly approached him, "okay, turn around."

He turned, his back was now facing me. I pushed him until he collapsed on the car. I took the gun and pressed it against his head, while I reached into my other pocket for the syringe I was planning to use on him. "There's a search party going on, if I don't get back to it, people are going to wonder where I am," he spoke. "We can handle this another way."

"I gave you enough days to think about working with me to take her down but you chose to ignore me. I don't blame you, you're a family man...." I took a hold of the syringe and jammed it into the back of his neck pushing the fluid right into him. "I'm sorry it had to go down this way." It didn't take long for his body to completely go weak and pass out in front of me. I sighed in relief. The first part of my task was done, all I have to do now is drag him into my car before he wakes up. The fluid I injected in him will make him unconscious for about thirty minutes and I only have twenty minutes to drive back to where I need to be.

I put the gun back in my pocket and rolled up my sleeves. As I prepared to take a hold of him. A loud noise came from the distance. My head immediately shot up, assuming someone was nearby.

There wasn't anyone but the sound was coming from his car. What the—

I approached the car, only to find a toddler crying in the back seat. His face resembled his father's very clearly but some of Veronica's appearance was seen as well. Fuck. He was really telling the truth. He did have a child in the car with him. Great. Now I have another thing to deal with.

Veronica's POV:

"Fuck! Think Veronica!" I started yelling at myself, desperately wanting to find any way to set myself free. My arms officially went numb and I couldn't feel a single thing from my shoulders all the way down to my finger tips. Every time I pulled at the rope, it just kept getting tighter and painful. The weight of my body wasn't helping either, since I no longer have support underneath my legs.

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