5. Secrets

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Michael's POV:

I saw the crowd gather around her as she laid on the ground. I stood there staring from the distance. A small smirk broke upon my face when I saw her completely spiraling out of control only because of my presence. I know for a fact she saw me and recognize exactly who I was. I was lucky enough to meet her new man for a brief minute as well. I told him I was a family friend. He seemed harmless but surely gullible. I still have no clue how she managed to manipulate another poor sucker and make a whole living out of it. She even managed to go as far as starting a family with the guy. I have to applaud her for laying low for this long. She managed to get a home at an area that's hardly comes up on Google maps or any other satellite traceable site. I had difficulties finding her house, it doesn't even pop up on any rental or sale website. If there's one thing she knows how to do well is not exist.

It's a good thing I drove further down into different neighborhoods before I stumbled upon her house. If I hadn't, I wouldn't found the invitation slip in front of their doorsteps that led me here. It's almost like it's faith. And this faith will surely lead to one of the best vengeance and payback.

And I believe that gullible man of hers might be useful to this plan after all.

I maneuvered my way into the circle of people crowding her. "Is she alright?" I said in a fake concerned voice. "I can help carry her to the car if you'd like," I said to him. He had a baby in his arms and was struggling to hold Veronica in his other arms.

"No there's no need for that, I think I can handle it," he quickly denied. He called over an elderly woman instead. He instructed her to hold the child as he proceeded to get Veronica off the ground.

"Here, allow me." I said to him, before he could refuse my help again, I took a hold of her arm and wrapped it around my shoulder, and picked her off from the ground. She was still unconscious.

"You're too kind, you really don't have to do this," he said, thanking me repeatedly.

"Hey, it's no problem. Just think of it as a favor from a stranger," I said to him.

The circle of people quickly started disappearing seconds later. "I know we've spoken before but I didn't catch your name," he then said, as he led me to the car he owned. He unlocked the car, and took a hold of Veronica. He carefully placed her in the passenger seat.

"Steven. My name is Steven," I responded with the quickest alias name I could think of.

Without questioning me any further, he stuck his hand out for me to shake. I gripped his hand into a firm handshake. "Well Steven, it's very nice to meet you again. My name is Ryan, if I didn't mention my name before. And this is my wife Veronica," he said pointing to her. "You know, she would've thanked you herself for helping her off of the ground."

"I'm sure she would've." I responded shortly after.

"Hopefully we'll see you around," he shut the passenger door.

"Oh I'm sure you will."

Veronica's POV:

I found myself laying on the couch in the living room with an ice pack on my head. The TV was on but the volume was extremely low. My head was enduring the worst pain possible and the last thing I remember is fainting and embarrassing myself in front of everyone. They probably had worst things to say about me before, now they have another thing to add to their list. I know Ryan is becoming suspicious of me also. The last thing I want is to ruin my relationship with him because I can't explain some of my behaviors and the secrets behind it. He would resent me if I told him the truth and why I'm constantly panicking over the fact the past has come to haunt me.

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