18. Search Party

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Veronica's POV:

There's nothing worse than screaming so loud from the top of your lungs and no one is able to hear you at all. I was starting to lose all feelings from my hands and legs as they continued to go numb. I should've kept my mouth shut while he was speaking to me. The chair I was standing on was at least giving me some kind of support. Now I'm hanging 10 feet from the air like a fucking dead meat at a butcher. I don't know if it's the loss of blood circulation but my body is starting to shiver as well. It's the second day since I've been trapped here and I still have no clue how I'm going to get myself out of here. The lack of eating and hydration was taking a toll on me as well. My mouth has never felt so dry. I'm considering to just give him what he wants so I can stay alive. But after I give him what he wants, how would I even know he wants me alive. We're taking about the same man who's been plotting a whole plan of vengeance while he was in jail. If he took me to a place this far, he's definitely planning to kill me.

The door opened back up again. I squinted my eyes just to get a glance of the small sun rays that beamed at my direction. A cool breeze also filled the room, it came from the gaps of the door. I wish I would've saw some kind of scenery from outside the door so I can figure out the location. I've spent most of my time in the past studying every location spot in Denver before I decided to move here. To adapt into a new city and conceal my identity, I had to somewhat let others believe that I'm like everyone else.

"I got some food for you," he spoke. He approached me, dragging his chair near me. In one of his hands, he was holding a paper bag. "It's a burger, there isn't any good food places around here anyways. I would've gotten you nothing but I figured..since I need information from you, I can't let you starve just yet."

"How am I supposed to eat with my hands tied up like this and my feet dangling from the ground," I spat at him.

"You have a mouth, I have two spare hands," he responded. He got up and unwrapped the paper bag, revealing the single hamburger. He moved the hamburger closer to my mouth. As much as my stomach was growling, I refused to take it. He could've done anything to that burger, I hope he doesn't think I'm stupid enough to take a bite.

"Don't worry, I didn't put anything in it..." he said rolling his eyes. "Look," he then took a small bite of the burger, showing my proof that he wasn't lying. I caved in and took the bite he was offering. He smiled once he saw me complying. "I'm glad you're starting to trust me."

"Now back to the question I asked before. Where are the evidences?" He spoke again.

"Did you even think any of this through?" I asked him, causing him to furrowed his eyebrows. "You're an ex convict Michael. Any evidence you gather against me won't help you out at all, especially for a case that was closed 8 years ago. And if you're doing this because you think this is a ticket to get custody of your daughter, I can guarantee it won't happen."

I knew it's a risk to just speak like this but stalling is the only way to buy myself some time. I need to figure out a way to escape from this place.

"Felicity Faith Reeves..." he responded. My head shot up once those words came out of his mouth. He then smiled at my sudden reaction of shock. "That's your real name isn't it?" He chuckled. "You were named after your late grandmother and raised by your rich parents. You've been in and out of institutions because of your fucked up behavior. Got kicked out of the house at the age of 18 and was forced to live on your own," he finished off. I looked at him blankly.

"How do you know that?" I said lowly.

"It came right out of your mouth," he responded. I looked at him confused. Then I started to piece everything together, thinking back on the day I went to the memorial service with Ryan and the conversation I had with him in the parking lot. He was listening all along?

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