» 14

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I turned to Mr. Lee as the cop took Hyunjin with him.

"She was... a good person," I sighed, lowering my head, he tilted his head to stare at my face.

"You didn't mean this, right?" He asked. I straighten, how come he read my lie so fast?

"I mean, nobody liked Yoona, and Hyunjin... He was always annoyed by her... And she was mean, to even seniors...God I shouldn't be saying this about someone who just died-" My thoughts are a mess, and so am I.

"Well, death doesn't buy you honour." I saw Rang put his hands in his pockets, and inhale slowly.

"But it's rude," I fought back.

"So was her behaviour towards Hyunjin if he doesn't like that. And being mean isn't impressive at all."
God, what a machine of excuses.

"But she's dead, so let's just let this slide." I stated, I don't have energy to argue.

"I never brought this up," he gave his shoulder a nonchalant shrug. I closed my eyes in exasperation. I'm hungry, it's past office hours already, but I should wait for Hyunjin... He always has been there for me ever since I came to Seoul.

"Do you want a ride back home? It's time to go back home." Rang asked.

"No, I would wait for Hyunjin... But you can leave." I forced a smile at him.

"No, I'm fine." He said and took a seat nearby, crossing his arms around his chest and stared at me.

"Take a sit beside me." He said, almost in a demanding tone, and I blinked a few times. He's Bipolar. But I'm tired so I would rather obey. I walked silently and sat beside him. And we sat in each other's company, quietly.

"How long have you known Hwang?"

"Two weeks? Could be less, but not more." I replied.

"But you both are very comfortable with each other."

"Hyunjin... He's just very helpful."

"Hmm," I see him sigh, his eyes looking down at his feet. I wasn't done staring when he looked back at me. In an instant, and our faces were now inches apart. But I wasn't feeling uncomfortable, as if I've been this close to him for a long time. His eyes... Now that they were so close to mine, I couldn't help but think how similar they are... to the ones I saw in my dream. I couldn't have noticed his eyes so much yesterday so how were they so clear in my head? As if my mural, my believes, my skies all were confined in his eyes. Did I mention they were actually beautiful? I don't know how to explain, but when I'm looking at them without blinking I realise they aren't black but hazel, and they looked tired which makes me feel sad, but still they are shining, which gives me a sense of err... Comfort?

"Ms. Jeon, if you didn't stop looking in my eyes, I might fall in love with you." His words came in a whisper, but because I was so close to him, I was able to hear them properly. He let out a small chortle. I immediately turned my face away from his, and I would be lying if I say my cheeks aren't burning.

"What are you looking for in my eyes, Ms. Jeon. It seemed like you were searching something." He said, and I didn't turn my face to him.

"I- I just thought I know someone with eyes like yours, nothing else..."

𝐈𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 • 𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now