Student Becomes Master

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"I'm sorry, folks, there's been a change! Robby Keene will now be fighting for Miyagi-Do Karate! With former Cobra Kai member, Mrs. Lawrence, as his sensei!"

The crowd went absolutely buck wild.

Your pulse began to slow in your veins, but not enough to stop the pounding in your head. Slowly, you turned your eyes to Johnny across the mat.

His eyes held a mixture of shock and fear, and you knew that he was only looking at a mirrored reflection of his mentality on your face as well.

It took a moment before you realized your feet were no longer firmly planted onto the mat. In fact, your stride was wide and confident as you walked toward Johnny across the mat.

But he was approaching you as well.

And the spotlights followed your every move.

"What do you think your doing?" Johnny asked blatantly.

"Coaching my student." You fired back whilst rolling up your sleeves. " Somebody needs to be there for him."

"You think this is funny?"

Your eyes suddenly grew dark and cold. "Do you see me laughing?"

Johnny persisted with force. "You're gonna regret this when it's over."

"Yeah, right." You scoffed. "Like this'll ever be over. This feud you have going on with Daniel... it's not worth it. So what if he was training your son? Are you gonna treat me the same way?"

He flinched ever so slightly.

"Look," you reeled back a bit, "I know how much this trophy means to you. But I also know how much your son means to you, no matter how badly you don't want to admit it. Deep down you want Robby to win this tournament. And I want to be there for him when he does. Because I'm not like you, im not gonna hide my pride for your son to keep my Cobra Kai image."

He swallowed hard and spoke bitterly toward you. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I figured this would make up for the time I missed your tournament back in 84. Only this time..." you smirked, "it's my tournament."

Johnny didn't even have time to respond before the ref gave out a batch of orders to take your positions.

It took a lot of force to pull your gaze from Johnny, but as soon as you severed the connection, you walked to Robby's side. "Remember, no aggression. Just let him come to you, alright?"

"Okay." He said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Robby's eyes looked glassy, as if the dam of his irises were about to shatter and the water was threatening to flood this entire room. He looked at you not as a sensei, but a mother in that moment.

Perhaps your vision was clouded by the flood in your eyes.

Across the mat, Johnny and Miguel were conversing. It was then that you saw a fire in Miguel you had never seen before. His eyes were locked on Robby like a wild animal, waiting to be let out of his cage.

And it left an unsettling taste in your mouth.

As Miguel and Robby faced each other on the mat, you found yourself wringing your hands together.

The air shifted the moment the two students bowed toward each other. As they both fell into a fighting position, the energy created an even larger divot in the atmosphere.

Miguel reeled back into a vicious stature, a yell escaping his lungs. Robby was swift, his stance short and precise, with a rounded edge.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion when the ref shouted the word. It was a single word, but a word strong enough to destroy what was once already a broken family. The feud between Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do was still incredibly visible to this day, only now there was a husband and wife standing on either side of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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