Remeniscent Memories

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As you re-entered the record shop, the boy your mother had just hired, was grabbing his belongings. Trying to adjust to the situation, you stepped forward and smiled.

"Leaving so soon?"

His face grew into a deep red. You watched as he tried to scramble for words, his jaw falling open awkwardly. "Oh... I-"

"I'm just messing with you," chuckling, you leaned on the counter in front of you, "you heard my mom, this is a casual job."

"Thank you," he grinned, "believe me, I wish I could stay a little longer but I have to get a sales report to my other boss... I kind of embarrassed myself earlier and I want to make it up to him."

Your smile widened, "wow, that's very professional of you..."

The boy saw you squint your eyes in bewilderment, trying to remember his name. He laughed, his contagious smile lighting up the room.


You snapped your fingers as if this was common knowledge. "Patrick."

The two of you fell into a fit of laughter. Shaking your still extended finger in his direction, you smiled.

"I'll get it eventually."

"Yeah," his smile wavered, "eventually."

The silence that followed was thick and full of questions. Shaking the strange feeling from your head, you tried your hardest to stand up straighter. Your breath exhaled in a shaky manner. "Well, you better get going kiddo. Don't wanna get on the boss' bad side, do we?"

"Absolutely not." He laughed.

The two of you said your goodbyes, and you began cleaning down the counter top with a rag, your thoughts desperate to be preoccupied.

Wax on... wax off.

Just then, your mother walked around the corner with a grin on her face. "Honey, why don't you go home for the night? I can take it from here."

Your jaw dropped. Choking on a laugh, you blinked rapidly, trying to wrap your head around her words. "What? But I just got back."

"Yeah but... it's clear you're not in the right headspace to be here."


"Doll, I know you. There's something wrong, and maybe you don't even know what that something is. Take the night off to figure it out."

You laughed in dismay. "I can't believe you."

"Believe it, buster!" She shouted with a smile, "go home, I'll see you tomorrow."

"But Ma," you grabbed the broom in the corner, "there's still a few hours left until closing."

"Eh," she waved her hand and scrunched up her nose, "it's starting to get dark. Not many people come in after the sun sets anyway."

"Not true," she smiled, "Johnny used to come in right at 10:59. One minute until close."

"Yeah, but that's because you were here." She grinned.

Laughing, you nodded your head in defeat. "You got me there."

After a quick sweep around the shop, you placed the broom back behind the counter and kissed your mother on the cheek before heading out to your car.
Your mind did not stop as you fumbled with your keys. Standing outside the apartment door, you mumbled under your breath.

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