Robby Robbery

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You and Johnny decided to drive to the committee meeting separately because you told him that you had plans afterward. He didn't question it, which was good for your sake. You continued calling Daniel and Amanda's number the whole way there.

But you were constantly met with their voicemails.

Raging anxiety fueled your senses until you reached the All Valley Sports Arena. You met Johnny at the door, who was already waiting for you. The nerves must have been radiating off of your body, because he immediately grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze.

"You ready?" He whispered.

All you could manage was the nod of your head.

"Hey," he grinned, "it's gonna be alright. We'll get them to revoke the ban."

But what your husband didn't know, was that your nerves were not about the tournament. Of course you wanted Johnny and his little protégés to thrive, but your main concern lied with this Robby kid.

The two of you headed in, your hearts in your throats for different reasons. As you rounded the corner, Johnny led the way, creaking open the door slowly.

The talking inside subsided as their eyes landed on you and your husband.

"Excuse me, sir?" A man in glasses inquired, "if you're looking for the AA meeting, that doesn't start till nine o'clock."

Next to you, Johnny suddenly stiffened up.

"No uh... I'm John Lawrence... we're uh..."

Squeezing his hand, you stepped forward with full intentions of forgetting your other worries at the moment. You smiled and spoke to the board confidently.

"We are here for the tournament committee meeting."

A few of the members scrunched up their faces before a woman spoke up.

"Are you here because of what happened at last year's tournament? If so, we can assure you we've hired an entirely new food vendor."

The man next to her mumbled, his gaze directed toward the floor in embarrassment. "We had no way of knowing those corn dogs had turned."

"No. I'm sorry about your corn dogs, that's not why we're here." Johnny stepped forward, his briefcase swinging at his side.

There were more confused looks from the board before you cleared your throat. "We're here because our dojo's been banned from the Under-18 tournament. And we want to see about an appeal."

"I'm confused..." the woman spoke with looming curiosity, "we banned someone?"

"I didn't know we could ban anyone. Is that a thing?"

"Just bear with us, ma'am," the man in glasses said while flipping viciously through a clipboard. "It was probably just a mistake... what's the name of your dojo?"

From behind you, a voice boomed arrogantly.

"Cobra Kai."

You practically gave yourself whiplash as you turned to face the owner of the voice. There in the doorway was Daniel LaRusso.

No wonder he hadn't seen your countless missed calls and text messages. He was getting ready for this meeting.

Johnny tensed up next to you at the sight of his old enemy. You squeezed his hand, trying to relax him. In fact, you needed some relaxing of your own.

"Daniel," The board member with the clipboard exclaimed, "you made it!"

"You know I never miss the annual meeting there, Ron." He pulled out a chair, assuming his position behind the table, "and boy, am I glad I didn't miss this one."

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