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In attempts to distract yourself, you drove to the Cobra Kai dojo.

The bell above the door jangled loudly as you entered, all of the students turning to face you. Johnny's face wavered at the sight of you, shifting from a sense of unease to some sort of relief. When you got closer, his voice dipped low.

"Thank God you're here."

"What happened?" You looked around at the group in wonder.

"Half my students left, that's what happened."

Your jaw dropped. Not resisting the urge to scan the half empty room, your eyes traveled between each and every one of those kids urgently.

Taking a step back, Johnny forced himself to stand up a little taller, faking a confident facade.

"Luckily that was just a test. I wanted to see who the quitters are. Not you guys... you're in it to win it. Alright? You could be at home playing your icomputers, playing your video games, eating candy... instead, you're here. Doing push ups and learning how to fight."

After he scanned the crowd thoroughly, your husband extended his hand forward to a kid who stood in the crowd of students.

"Lip! Look. Even Lip is tougher than these guys. He's no quitter."

Your eyes followed his directed path, your sight landing on a boy with a scar extending from the top of his lip, tucking under his nose. The boy looked fragile, his voice quivering with fear of speaking. His response was temporarily held hostage in his throat, causing him to be unable to stand up for himself.

"Could you please not call me that?" The boy squeaked.

Johnny smiled awkwardly, "excuse me, what?"

The boy immediately squeaked out an urgent reply.

"I- I said could you please not call me that."

Before you could open your mouth, Miguel stepped forward. "Um, I'll warm them up sensei."

"No, no, no. Lip has something he wants to say."

You were frozen in place. Although you hated what you saw, you couldn't afford to move from your spot. The realization that washed over you was deafening.

Cobra Kai still needs to change.

"It's alright, speak up lip." Johnny stepped forward powerfully, his arms swinging at his sides, "or is your tongue messed up too?"

No response, only a sad expression.

"Are you one of those challenged kids?" Johnny whispered.

The boy searched for his next words. "The doctor said I could be on the spectrum."

Johnny's eyes widened.

"I don't know what that is, but get off it pronto."

You immediately felt the contact of your hands hitting the palm of your face.

The reality around you became a blur as Johnny continued his conversation with the young man. As they spoke, you felt an overwhelming sense of dread fill your gut. You heard Johnny's vulgar comments, including one in which he ordered him to flip the script. It wasn't until the boy began running out of the dojo, that you snapped out of it.

"Alright, Johnny, that's enough." You hissed through your teeth.

"What did I do?"

"Office. Now."

The air was so thick with awkward silence, the students didn't even get rowdy when you ordered your husband to follow your commands.
"Johnny, you're treating these kids like crap."

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