A New Introduction

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You awoke the next morning to a text from Daniel.

It was so much fun having you over yesterday... even if things got off on the wrong foot for some people. It also gave me a chance to apologize for the things I said to you and Johnny at the committee meeting. I shouldn't have done that and I'm very sorry. Look at me, still apologizing lol. Anyways I was wondering if you wanted to accompany me in training Robby this morning. He was my co-worker that you asked me about... that situation is handled now btw. I know it's late notice but it would really mean a lot to me if you were there!

You placed your phone on the night stand and looked over your shoulder. Johnny was still sound asleep, the sunlight pouring through the windows didn't even wake you up. You didn't have to be in the record shop until later, which had you somewhat confused. If Robby was going to be with Daniel, who would be at the shop helping your mother?

You brushed off the uneasy feeling and gently pulled the covers off of you, getting up quietly so your husband wouldn't hear. Your exercise clothes were draped over the chair, waiting to be worn for your early morning skate around Reseda, but you supposed whatever Daniel had in store would work too.

The drive to Daniel's felt like it took forever. You just couldn't stop thinking about your mother. Her health wasn't as good as it used to be, and you knew deep down that she hated working there alone. But why didn't she schedule you if Robby wouldn't be there? Knowing your mother, she probably plastered on a smile and claimed she could handle it.

Once you arrived at Daniel's, you both packed up your cars with some snacks before driving separately over to your mothers apartment complex to pick up Robby. A part of you wanted to go in there and knock on her door, practically beg her to take a day off. There was just something so unsettling about this situation.

But you refrained. Instead, you and Daniel chatted with your cars side by side, the windows rolled down, until Robby opened the back door of Daniel's car and climbed in. Daniel smiled at him, pivoting his body to see his young padawan in the back seat. He then looked to you, and you could've sworn you saw that sparkle in his eye that he had as a kid.

"You're gonna love this," he said with a childlike endearment as he rolled down the backseat window, "this is Robby."

As he introduced you to Robby, and him to you, it was hard for you both not to break character. Daniel had no idea you and Robby knew each other. In fact, you knew each other a lot better than he could've ever imagined. You weren't sure if Robby would ever tell Daniel the truth about who his father is.

"It's nice to meet you." Robby played along with a mischievous grin.

"It's nice to meet you too."
The morning flowed along Daniel's set path and played perfectly into his planning. He had set the whole day out for you all to train and bond together in the woods, and you would admit you had a lot of fun.

But Daniel seemed to be having some fun of his own. Just watching his mannerisms, you could see the Miyagi influence greatly riddled throughout. He teased Robby, tricked him, and supported him just the way Mr. Miyagi would have. Daniel was in Robby's shoes once, and he knew exactly what cards to play to peak Robby's interest.

At one point in the training, Robby had inquired if you all were headed home. It has been a long morning, and your stomach was growling ferociously. You were with Robby on this one.

But Daniel was persistent. He told his student that he may know the moves, but without balance, none of it mattered.

You smiled to yourself.

"I balance on my skateboard every day-"

"I didn't mean balancing your body," Daniel soaked in the feeling of being a sensei in that moment, "I mean balancing your life."

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