Dinner & A Show

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"There she is! Oh, hello doll!"

Lucille pulled you into a big hug the moment you stepped into the house. She kissed your cheek before holding your face in her hands and pulling away, getting a good look at your face. Her gaze shifted between you and Daniel. "Oh my gosh, my babies are all grown up!"

"Hi Lucille," you chuckled, "it's been too long!"

"It really has! Oh, darling! How have you been?"

"I've been good... great. I'm doing wonderful. And how about you?" You smiled.

"Oh you know," she waved you off, "living the dream."


The LaRusso family was scattering all around you, preparing the meal. In the midst of the chaos, Amanda pulled you aside with wide eyes.

"How did you do that?" He whispered.

Your face scrunched up in confusion. "Do what?"

"Make her like you! How did you do it? Please teach me your tricks."

"Lucille?" You laughed, "I've known her since Daniel and I were in high school together."

"Was she a maniac then too, or is the crazy just reserved for me?"

"Oh don't be ridiculous," you hit her playfully, "I'm sure she likes you. How could she not?"

"I don't know, can you ask her for me?" Amanda deadpanned.

You began to laugh before you were interrupted by the sound of Daniel calling everyone outside, exclaiming that the food was ready. The two of you rounded the corner you were hiding in and walked toward the door. You had almost crossed the living room when Anthony LaRusso, Daniel and Amanda's youngest son, stepped out in front of you. His attitude was striking.

"Your husband's not coming today, is he?"


"Good. I don't want to spoil my appetite by having to see his face."
You all sat around the table as Daniel prepared a plate of grilled hotdogs. The air smelled of excellent cooking skills, displayed by Daniel.

"So, how's everything with my son?" Lucille's smiled as she placed a napkin across her lap.

"I'm doing great, ma." Daniel forced a smile.

But as he looked away, his eyes fluttered over to you.

"Really, Danny?" Louie placed the tongs next to the grill, "why don't you tell her what happened last night? She'll get a kick out of that." He laughed.

Your heart suddenly constructed in your chest. One look at Amanda, and you realized your worst fears were about to come true. Her eyes widened and she placed her hands on the table, her fingers intertwined as if she were about to negotiate. "I'm sure there are much happier things we can talk about."

"No, no, no," Louie persisted, "you know it's bad enough this monster Johnny Lawrence is somehow teaching kids again. But now he's went and somehow convinced the All Valley Board to let Cobra Kai back into the tournament!"

Your gaze immediately shifted to your lap.

"And there it is..." Amanda mumbled.

Lucille sat up straighter. "Johnny Lawrence? The boy who used to beat you up in high school? Daniel, why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, Ma," Daniel cleared his throat before gesturing to you, "because Mrs. Lawrence is sitting right there."

You could tell Danny was trying to ease the tension, but every eye snapped to you. Next to you, Lucille's head turned to you slowly.

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