December 19th, 2012

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New York faded away out of your window as your plane ascended into the sky. The early morning fog plastered a layer of film over the skyscrapers, making the city feel completely invisible.

And above the clouds, you watched the glorious sunrise.

It reminded you of home. Not just the Greece sunrise, but California's as well.

The exact place you were headed now.

Your heart did a minor flip in your chest at the thought. Was this really happening? Were you really going back home?

The good old days seemed to be right around the corner now. You reminisced on your teenage years, smiling as you did so. You felt your eyes getting dreary with a comforting exhaustion as images played in your mind. You let the wave of sleep wash over you, your muscles relaxing in your chair.

And the prominent memory you replayed as you drifted off to sleep, was Johnny Lawrence.

You hadn't seen Johnny in decades. A part of you wondered how he was doing now. Was he married? Did he have any children? He didn't have any social media, so it was a mystery to you.

But boy oh boy did you want to know.

The two of you had a very mutual breakup, knowing that it was for the best. The two of you needed to let go in order to grow, and that's exactly what you did. But Johnny had always been the beacon of hope, the one who taught you how to love. Every other man you dated since him, never had the spark that you desired, the one spark you craved.

The spark you had with Johnny.

You were excited to see where both of your paths had diverged to, and hoped that maybe they would intersect once more.

The thought of seeing him again let you drift off into sleep with a grin.
You awoke to the tap of a flight attendant on your shoulder. Snapping yourself from your daze, you looked around to find passengers exiting the plane that was now touched down in sunny California.

"Ma'am, we have arrived at our destination." The woman smiled.

You thanked her awkwardly before standing on shaky legs and following the crowd out of the plane and down the ramp.

Your entire time at the luggage claim consisted of you thinking strictly on your anxiety's schedule. You were excited about many things, but fearful of so many others.

But you just couldn't get Johnny out of your head.

And as your luggage came around the belt, you heard a small, gentle voice in your head, reassuring you that these resurfacing feelings would be natural.

"Sometimes what heart know, head forget."

Mr. Miyagi was right. Your head did forget what being in California was like.

But your heart didn't.

Your smile wavered at the thought, your lips pressing together in a thin line to hold back tears. Out of everyone here, you wished you could've seen Mr. Miyagi. He surely would've been able to make you feel as though you never left.

With a fluttering heart, a realization washed over you. You didn't waste another second as you adjusted your bags on your shoulder and sprinted through the airport. A giddy feeling rose up inside of you, one that you couldn't control. With a child-like giggle, you pushed your suitcase forward and leapt onto it, gliding through a small stretch of the hallway. You didn't care about the dirty looks you received, being in California felt like being a kid again.

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