" O-of course. Come in"

Izuku leads the blonde to the couch settling in next to him waiting for whatever needs to be said.

There's nervousness in emerald eyes as he speaks up first.

" So is this a we need to talk like about what a great time we had last night and I missed you so much that I couldn't wait a second longer to see you again or a after last night I've decided to break your heart kinda talk, cause I gotta say Kacchan of it's the second one you gotta let me take a shot of something first", the greenett says with a tease even tho inside he's panicking that it's true.

Katsuki meets worried eyes that are trying so hard to hide that they are worried.

He smirks with a chuckle as he takes the greenett's smaller hand in his.

" This is definitely not a I'm gonna break your heart talk, tho I hope it doesn't turn into one from you"

Izuku raises a brow.

" Oh I doubt that, what's wrong Kacchan?"

Katsuki takes a breath running a hand through his hair.

" Well, I got an early morning visit from my manager who called at fucking meeting at 7 am with all of us. Apparently some pictures were taken of us at the club last night of us kissing and well...everything else we did", he winks because he can't help himself as he watches a flushed face at the thought of body shots taken one from the other.

Izuku nods in understanding.

" Um well..ok so...what's the issue? There has to be one or your manager wouldn't have showed up", the greenett questions.

Katsuki glances down at the hand in his as he runs his thumb over the back of the smaller one.

" The pictures were given to him and then handed over to the tabloids that we are now plastered all over the covers of with articles written asking who you are and if your the reason I got pissed off at that fan last night who didn't keep his hands to himself"

Izuku furrows his brow.

" But he was touching you, you had a right to get upset and say something"

The blonde meets his eye.

" I know that and you know that, the rest of the band knows that but the papers never print the whole story Deku, this unfortunately is part of the ugly side of fame. I'm sorry you were put in the public eye with pictures like that"

Izuku gives him a reassuring smile.

" Kacchan, that's not your fault. You can't control those things and I don't live under a rock, I expected some publicity when it came to dating a rock star, would be silly to think it would stay a secret", he laughs slightly as the blondes stomach turns at the word secret because that's exactly what he had been expected to keep Izuku, his dirty little secret.

Izuku raises a brow, the laugh falling from his voice as he takes in the serious looking blonde.

" Uh oh, what?"

Katsuki stands up suddenly as the greenett follows the action with his eyes seeing unease.

The blonde paces something Izuku has noticed he does when he's upset.

"Ok listen Deku and please don't get upset alright because I already took care of it I'm just letting you know because... fuck I dunno because I don't wanna keep shit from you"

Izuku forces a worried smile.

" Kacchan calm down and just tell me what happened"

The blonde sighs the sound more a growl in his throat at the frustration he feels over the whole damn thing.

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