Chapter 62 - Thursday: Getting Ready to Pick Flowers

Start from the beginning

Yeah, the bastard was full of BS.

I was even stupid enough to feel hurt by that. When I went into a rage and destroyed every memento I had of our short, phoney relationship and played some sad songs on repeat, refusing to join the family for dinner, I went down memory lane, and it dawned on me that I never really liked the arsehole. I always found him to be arrogant, entitled and incredibly shallow.

He was so vain; he couldn't walk past a reflective surface without adjusting his hair or his clothes. He loved himself so much that, even when he was gazing into my eyes, he was just trying to see whether he looked good.

I saw these things, and they were forming tiny little cracks in my extreme, all-consuming love for the guy, but I ignored them. Come on, I couldn't admit to myself that I wasted my virginity on a total loser.

I had to love him.

Once I admitted that to myself, I stopped crying, cleaned my room and went back to wearing what I liked... in over-drive. Baseball caps, torn jeans, big sweaters with nasty slogans. Those are my jam now! I've always liked traditional boy stuff, boy games, boy talk, and boys in general.

I don't want to be one, though.

Let's face it; if I were a boy, I'd totally be gay because I just love the way their jeans fit them and the flow of their biceps, even when they're not big and the way their shoulders and necks join together, forming these really cool structures and their voices when they start to become more manly and their... Yeah... whatever... I like guys.

I decided to learn from Ramon. Once I'm done being angry and feeling like a fool – I'm getting there, it is close – I'm going to gather my own frigging bouquet of boy flowers. If I'm to form part of some stupid harem, I want to be the main bitch, with a gazillion boys ready for me to drink their nectar.

Eew, somehow, that didn't sound as good as when Ramon said it.

I haven't decided how I will go about finding and conquering this bouquet of boys yet. I'm still working on that. I simply don't have the time for boys in general right now. I'm about to write exams, I have to keep the restaurant going while my parents are away, and I need to take better care of Eddie.

He got hurt on my watch. I'll never forgive myself for that. The brat is the best brother a girl could have.

Tanner is still glaring at me after my remark. I was kinda hoping he had already forgotten about it. This perfect boy flower will obviously never be in my bouquet because he pisses me off (no, I don't know why), and I've probably done the same for him too often by now anyway.

His hair is all messed up from the motorcycle helmet, his school tie is crooked, and parts of his shirt are untucked, sticking out from under his school jumper. He looks like a really sexy drunk at a wedding... a drunk wearing a black and white striped apron.

Reflective surface hunting loading!

Instead of crossing to the refrigerator, made of shiny metal, perfect for helping one restore one's beauty, he lifts a hand and wiggles his pinkie at me. He tilts his head to the side and lazily runs his eyes over me from the top of my head with the short ponytail, over the apron protecting my winter school uniform and down to my shoes.

Great, now I feel naked, even though I'm wearing so many layers.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Checking to see if your panties dropped. I guess you're immune. Or am I just not the right... type?"

"So, just because I'm not interested in you, you think I must be a lesbian?" No, he didn't say that... at all... but... whatever!

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