Chapter 1 - In which Grian is having a great time :D

Start from the beginning

He chuckled at this, typical Scar. He died so much he was practically immune to it's effects. Although this did mean his possible free-pass with social interaction was gone as well. He really did have to talk to his not-biological-but-might-as-well-be-sibling, Pearl, who like always, would be overly paranoid about his health.
It was just a week in a cave, Geez.

He quickly glided down to where Scar's items had dropped, and placed them into a shulker box, before flying back up with a flap of his wings. He had multiple things to do before he had to go.

First, he changed out of his lab coat, into his typical red jumper and grey pants, shoving the lab coat into a random chest of junk. Next, he grabbed some red dye, kneading it gently into his feathers, then grabbing some yellow dye, and finally blue dye, re-concealing his wings.

He spread his wings, observing his handy work. It was good considering it was a rushed job, no one would notice unless they looked close. It'd work with Scar, was what he was saying. Pearl, not so much, but it didn't really matter with her. She knew anyway.

Shoot, He was late. Quickly, he washed the dyes off his hands and shoved excess items in a spare chest, right on top on his lab coat. This might seem like a bad idea, and it was, but he frankly couldn't care.

He leapt off the cliff, plummeting towards the ground, but with a flap of his parrot-colored wings, he set fly towards spawn.
Out of the corner of his eye as he left, he swore he saw a flash of purple, causing him to pinwheel mid-air to try and look. But there was nothing. He shook his head... Lack of sleep must be getting to him. He'd done Mulitiple all-nighters down in the rift's quarry. He'd take a nap after the trip to hub- Well, no, after he checked the rift again... He'd take a nap then.

He loved flying. The sky felt freeing, the fresh, crisp, overworld air filling his lungs, the wind rustling his hair, the feeling of the air rushing around him as he soared through the sky. Before he knew it, he had arrived.

"Gri!" Pearl called out, spotting him flying above, and took off as well with a flap of her dove-colored wings, flying loops around him. He grinned, going in for a landing, Pearl landing a second afterwards.
Scar still looked battered, and Grian passed him a health potion to help him recover from the shock of respawning. Scar looked at him thankfully before chugging it.

"Heya Pearl! It's been a bit, hasn't it." He hugged her, his mind flicking back to the rift.

She'd had experience with Them, but he couldn't risk telling her... Heck, he couldn't even risking thinking of her status... There already was a target on her back, if they knew about him... He didn't want it getting larger by them learning about her too.

"Hello again G-man! You have my stuff?" Scar asked, smiling, his voice shaking Grian out of his thoughts.

"Oh yeah- Here you go, try not to lose again." Grian chuckled, passing Scar the shulker.


The group talked for a bit, before walking through the portal into the hub.

"So, what's been keeping you so busy?" Pearl tilted her head, glancing at Grian as they walked through the busy city streets of the server hub. "You've been worrying me a bit..."

"Pearl, your so overprotective." He chuckled. "I've been mining!"

"For good reason! YOU WERE MINING FOR 10 DAYS STRAIGHT? Thats not healthy Gri!" Pearl turned around, shaking the gremlin aggressively. "You can't scare me like this again! After everything you just disappeared on me without a word! I couldn't even go to X about! I thought-"

"I took breaks!" He interrupted what she was about to say, despite the fact he did in fact not take breaks. "And I was fine either way. I can handle myself."

"The dark circles under your eyes speak otherwise to your comment about breaks. Sleep, or I'll make you." Pearl threatened, glaring at him. "Besides last time you 'handled yourself' lead to mass-"

"Let's change the topiccc-" Grian called out quickly, glancing at Scar, who, somehow, was oblivious to this whole thing.

"Fine, but only if you sleep." Pearl glared at him.

"Okay- Okay Geez-" He sighed, resigned to his fate, before practically jumping out of his skin.

A flock of almost-sketch-like violet eyes appeared behind Pearl. Their eye. They were watching... He froze, fear rushing through him, staring past pearl, at their eye... Floating there. Then another. And another, until they surrounded him. Reality seemed to fade, only him and the eyes...

They must know, there was no way they'd watch him otherwise- They all blinked, menacingly. He wasn't safe he wasn't he wasn't-

"Gri?" Pearl started to glance behind her, snapping him back to reality.

Pearl would be able to see it, see them... He couldn't let her. It was bad enough they'd taken an interest in him, but not her. They had to know who he was, but maybe they wouldn't recognize Pearl- maybe that protection was strong enough- He had to keep her safe. He'd sworn he would.

"Nothing, Nothing. Thought I saw something, but I must just be tired." He faked a yawn.

"Is it..." Pearl asked quietly, and glanced at Scar, who now was examining some flowers.

"No, no it's nothing, nothing at all, Heh- Actually I think I'm too tired to do this- I'm going to head back- Sorry bye see you around!" He rambled, before taking off.

Totally 10 out of 10 acting Grian, she clearly doesn't suspect a thing, he thought sarcastically as he arrived back in hermitcraft

Primals, that was close- He had to get back in the server, reinforce the protections around it... There was no point hiding anymore, they must know by now.


With a flick of his hand, the violet flame he'd weaved through his fingers vanished. The protections around the server were stronger than ever. They shouldn't have been able to get through... Unless there was a hole in the protection.

He turned to look at the rift... He knew it was coming down to this, but he didn't want it to. It had to be the way they got through.
Staring at it, his sanity already felt like it was slipping. But he had to do this.

"You better spill your secrets, or else I'll tear this place apart until I find them." He whispered at it, not caring how insane he might sound.

It simply shimmered infuriatingly. With a glare, he flicked magical fire through his hands, channeling a fireball at the rift. With a flash, it reflected off, straight towards him. With panic, he quickly ran out of the way, and it impacted into the stone behind where he once stood.

He gritted his teeth against the after affects of such magic, not letting it overwhelm him.If he needed more confirmation this was them, that was it. Who else would be able to reflect his magic like that. With a sigh, he prepared himself for a long week.

Chapter one! And Grian's already having a greattt time! :D We've jumped straight in, so I hope your not all too confused!

Wc: 1948
- Xera

Entwining Lives - A Hermitcraft & The Life series crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now