Chapter 25: Unleashed Part 2

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Rimuru POV

“Now then, it was your time to die Ivarage. ”

I said to him after checking my daughter's condition. My arrival wasn't late to be exact. Using my new [Frozen World] to stop time, I can go to a place I knew with no time lag. It was far more stronger than before where the effect cover the whole solar system.

Thankfully, I can used skill inside the frozen world, where I immediately used instantaneous movement that ignore all step to cross through space.

I'm worried that I might not make it to the battlefield at the right time. Knowing my daughter was safe and sound also makes me happy so much.

Thank God everyone was safe’, I sigh in relief after seeing all my friends through my [World Sense].

But still, knowing all of it just increased my anger towards him that it pisses me off so much that I want to kill this guy, Ivarage so bad.

Now that my power was incomparable and infinitely stronger than anyone, there's no way for him to fight back. Though, I have a hard time controlling it now that my partner, Ciel, was not inside to help me.

Oops. Don't get angry. I didn't mean that she's completely gone. As in dead, okay. What I mean is that her consciousness is not inside me anymore now that she have own body to dwell.

Are you curious how it happened? Actually, it happen in the midst of my evolution.



After my conversation between the other me and Shizu-san, the world of thought communication wears off and I finally back to the real world where time didn't even change.

‘Looks like in that world, time didn't flow. I'm still here inside this barrier prison though.’, is what I thought after checking the time.

Just then, my partner, Ciel, said the most very good news that I want to hear right now.

<<Report. Master, I've finished analyzing the barrier. Do you want to break it right now [Yes or No]>>

‘YES!’ I answered happily while shouting.

Crack, crack, snap

After that, the barrier shattered instantly. It surprised me on how Ciel did it, but I'm also happy at the same time.

Just then, the Voice of the World echoed loudly inside my head after I got out the barrier.

[Confirmed. The required conditions have been met. Evolution to an Omnipotent being will now begin.]’, is what the Voice of the World says.

I was surprised actually, but looks like my partner, Ciel-san, was more than surprised that she activated thought acceleration without my permission.

<<What does this mean, master. I thought the required condition for the Gods Egg to evolve was family affection. I was planning to used Rizu as a sample to figure it out, but I guess it wasn't needed. How did you do it, master. I'm quite curious.>>


Well, even if you asked me, I don't really have the right answer to your question. …Or maybe I have.

Now that I remember, Shizu-san kissed me, a kissed of a person that was so important to me. When she planted that kiss to my lips, something inside me change that I don't quite figure out. The condition required for the Gods Egg to hatched was family affection. Does that kiss of Shizu-san count?

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