Chapter 2: Reminiscing about the Past

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After the day of the festival, I remember something very important. It was Shizu-san.

Her death anniversary was near, so instead of going to my office, I decided to go to the place where Shizu-san lies. I inform Souei first, telling him that I'll be gone for a bit.

>>Souei, tell Shuna and the others that I will be gone for a bit. You don't need to escort me.<<

>>Yes, Rimuru-sama.<<

And so, I headed to the place where she lies and I also bring flower.

I used [Teleport] to go there in order to save time and put the flower near the grave.

I stay there a bit, and enjoy the view. I love Shizu-san ever since I met her and that time I spent together with Shizu-san was precious.

If she's alive right now, I will surely propose and marry her, have a child with her, and live happily together with her.

The death of Shizu-san was the biggest regret of my life. Up until now, I still regret it.

<<Master, it's now time to go back. You still have work to do.>>

Ciel's word bring me back to reality. I give my farewell to Shizu-san and headed to my office to finished my daily work.

5 days later............

Right now, I'm still doing some paperwork, and I tell you, it was so boring.

Ciel help me to finished my work, because she has to inform me about the analysis that she run without my permission. I didn't argue more because I too need that information.


Name: Rimuru Tempest [EP: Infinite (+ "Tempest Sword" (10.29 million)]
Race: Ultimate Chaos Spirit: "Slime God"
Gender: Asexual more specifically androgynous
Grace: Grace of Friendship
Title: "Chaos Creator"
Manas: Ciel
Magic: ‹True Dragon Magic› ‹Greater Spirit Summoning› ‹Greater Demon Summoning› ‹Primitive Magic› ‹Other›


"Wha-" I nearly shout because of the sudden information.

I realize that my existence value was amazing before, but now I was more impressed. Because, you know, it's infinite.

The existence value of my sword was also unbelievable. It reach 10 million, and if I add my own existence value, I can unleashed many powerful attack without being exhausted.

My battle with Ivarage in the Tenma War is the only reason I can think of. When he throw me to the End of Time and Space, because of my perfect but also careless partner, I absorb almost the energy there in order to go back.

Thankfully, I have the skill [Traveller] that I acquired from Mai Furuki.

After that, I engaged one on one battle with Ivarage. I defeated him because of my newly acquired power and absorbed him.

My existence value at that time was already infinite, so Ciel must be place the energy that I absorb into my sword.

<<That was correct. The energy count of master was already unaccountable, so I have no choice but to place it in your sword.>>

'Ah, but wait, where is all my skill. You didn't mention it in your analysis. My resistance also was gone.'

'What's happening? '

<<That's because you have the Origin Skill (Information Ruler Akashic Record) and Ultimate Skill (Creation Lord Ahura Mazda). Using this two skill, you can now create any skill you need and desire.>>

'Ah okay, and what about my resistance?'

<<You don't have to worry about that, master. I already converted it all into your body to resist any attack and abnormality. As for your intrinsic skill, I integrated it all into me, so it is now possible to respond more quickly.>>

I suppose I should praise it as excellent.

Perhaps it might even be overkill, but in order protect all my friends and my country, a change in mindset was indeed necessary.

The weaker I was, the more I would have to sacrifice.

In order to settle the matter and enjoy a life of peace, there was no need to hold back or be polite.

After the analysis, Guy send me a message through demon lord's ring.

{Sorry for sudden message, but I need all the member of the demon lord. Walpurgis will be commence tomorrow. I need you there.}

It's been a long time since the last Walpurgis. I'm sure it's an important discussion, but my instinct tells me it's not a good thing.

I don't know why though............

To be Continued.....

That Time When my Daughter from Another Timeline Visited MeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ