Prologue: Departure

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In Another Timeline......

In this another timeline, Rimuru saved Shizu to it's death.

The reason was because when he reincarnated into this world, he found a superior spirit that has no ego after he isolate Veldora in his stomach.

He named the spirit [Helios] a superior fire spirit and give it to Shizu as it's new master.

In exchange, Rimuru acquired the power of [Ifrit] which happen to be also a superior fire spirit. He also get a human male form after analyzing Shizu's body.

Rimuru was so happy that his son was now back. He was so happy, he almost cried.

Shizu stay together with Rimuru to pay all of what he did.

Rimuru confess his love to Shizu and proposed a marriage. Shizu accept it wholeheartedly.

Rimuru and Shizu had a daughter and they named it Rizu.

The face was similar to Shizu while the smooth skin and the bluish hair was in Rimuru.

Both of them was really to happy to have a child.


Rimuru in Another Timeline POV

It maybe the happiest day of my life, because right now, I finally have a family.

When the day my wife Shizu born Rizu, I can't stop smiling ever since.

It makes my heart warm, and just by thinking I have a child makes me want to cry.

And when she grows up, she will start calling me "Papa".

Ah, just by imagining it gives me so much joy.

Right now, my wife Shizu and Rizu are still sleeping in the house. I leave early cause' I have to hunt some cowdear together with Rigur and the others.

I have to get some good quality meet and ingredients for them. I don't want them to eat some food that was not in their taste.


After several months, many things happened like when I meet 6 furious ogres, waging war with the Orc lord, Milim's visit, and Charybdis revival.

All of that problem happen, and thankfully I find a solution to solve all of it.

After all of that problem, the days are always been peaceful

I wish this peaceful days continue forever, together with my family and friends.

Author's POV

The event that happen was very similar to the another Rimuru, right.

But the truth is, not all. The battle between Tempest and Kingdom of Farmus did not happen, because the revival of the evil dragon god "Ivarage", was already happened.

It's unclear who revived him but, one thing is for sure, he or she is an idiot.

No one can stop Ivarage with his destruction of the world, even the strongest demon lord guy and other members of the Ten Great Demon Lords can't stop him.

The whole world was not yet in sync, because Rimuru was still not in picture.

Although this is happening, Rimuru still thinks some possible ways to save his family and his people.

But unfortunately, there's no possible ways to this kind of problem.

Seeing the troubled face of Rimuru and Shizu, the Tempest citizens offer all their life and power to them.

Rimuru was hesitant at first, but he had no choice.

"To you all, sorry, and thank you!" he said with a smile while crying.

He devour all the Tempest citizens using [Gluttony] and created a portal to another world using [Great Sage] and also with help of his wife.

All of this was successful, but there's one problem.

Only one person can enter the portal.

The reason was because, when travelling to another world, your body will be exposed to a huge surge of magicules.

You have to possessed enough energy to protect the body itself.

Knowing this, Rimuru and Shizu made a huge decision, and that is sending their own daughter Rizu alone to the portal.

They are crying because they can not be with their child for a long time, but it is not time for them to be sad.

They used all the power that they possessed to protect their child.

After Rizu's departure, the whole world end.


Rizu was not yet 1 year old at that time when she separate to her parents.

Instead of traveling to another world, she travelled through time in another timeline.

Her small body transform into a 16 years old and she become more stronger because of a sudden exposure to a huge surge of magicules.

Even though Rizu was a newborn child, the memory she shared together with his family was unforgettable for her.

She's a half monster of course, so she's growth was abnormal. She also possessed [Great Sage] that she inherit from her father, that's why.

And now, she's heading straight to the new world where his new father Rimuru lived.

To be Continued..............

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