Chapter 7: Father & Daughter's Dress Up

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In the Kingdom of Monster...........

In the early morning, the female residents continued their work nervously without a word.

When they heard about Rimuru having a daughter, all of them make a plan right away.

They all unconsciously steered their eyes towards that certain building as if something were on their mind.

Inside the building, the ladies were cautiously holding an earnest discussion.

"Well then, Haruna-san, I imagine there is no delay to the preparations?"

"Yes, Shuna-sama. Everything is proceeding according to the plan, but this is the second time we do something like this, right! Won't Rimuru-sama suspect us?"

"Don't worry! We already done it before, so we can do it again. Also, everything is planned."

Surely everything will go smoothly with her handling it. Haruna nodded in response, a satisfied look on her face.

"Shion, any problems on your end?"

"None, Shuna-sama. I can handle this!"

"...Is that so. Well do remember that your role is essential for our plan to work like before."

"Of course! Please don't worry!"

Unlike how Shuna felt about Haruna, she sensed certain unease regarding Shion.

Yet, this operation couldn't be completed without Shion's assistance.

Feeling conflicted, Shuna still responded to Shion with a nod.

The three looked at each other once more before commencing their respective duty.

The plan they make for Rimuru and Rizu begun.

Rimuru POV

Before Shuna and the others make a plan........

It was a bright and sunny day. I jumped onto the street together with Rizu.

I contact Benimaru through [Telepathy] to inform him to gather all the Tempest Citizens in the Main Square.

>>Benimaru, gather all the residents. I have something important to say.<<

>>Yes. Rimuru-sama.<<

I still didn't inform all the resident about Rizu, so now was the perfect timing.

So there I was, in our city's main square, standing in front of the crowd in my demon lords attire together with Rizu.

It triggered a confusion to all the monsters that resides and humans that visiting Tempest.

All of them was confused as to why there was another Rimuru in front of them.

Their talk to each other seemed like they'd go on forever, but I just raised my hand to shushed them all in an instant.

It's really effective.

"All of you know that there was emergency evacuation yesterday, right. And the reason why it happen was because of this girl. Her name is Rizu. She's my daughter, so treat her well like how you treat me, okay."

All of them was silent at first because of the shocked.

But soon, cheers and shout erupted, saying-

"Rimuru-sama finally has a daughter!!"

"We have to celebrate!!"

The reaction was not similar yesterday where all of us was shocked.

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