Chapter 23: The Birth of the 'Absolute One'

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Hello Guys. Sorry for not updating chapters these past days. I was busy at school. But anyway, here's the 23rd chapter of ‘That Time When my Daughter from Another Timeline Visited Me’. Enjoy😃🎉😃

Rimuru POV

I became too confident, and let my guard down. And now, I'm inside in a prison that absorb my magicules until  it sucked me dry.

It pains me to say this, but its my fault this time. Yeah, I can't deny that.

Oh well. Nothing will happen if I just seat here and do nothing while blaming myself. I have to get out of here before anything bad happen.

But how should I break this barrier that surrounds me. Even if I imbued my fist or sword with Turn Null, the barrier will recover immediately because of the mana it absorb from me.

I can't also used any skill and magic that can teleport me back. This barrier prevent from doing it. I also lost contact to all my subordinates. Even though we are connected through souls, cutting the connection forcefully is an impossible thing to do.

Ivarage is not intelligent enough to create such spell. Which means… someone was helping him.

Hmmm? But I don't know who it was. I don't have sufficient information to tell who was the person especially since he destroyed the world he come from.

But I also remember in our first confrontation that after he destroyed the planet he come from, he absorbed all the souls of strong individual. Yuuki and the others who lived in that timeline must have been absorbed by Ivarage and died in the process.

I can only speculate that Ivarage has a power to absorb not only the skill, but also the knowledge of a person. A force transfer maybe.

The barrier also have Anti-Skill effect that he got from Yuuki. But how come this barrier also have Anti-Magic. Where did Ivarage get this kind of power. Its absurd if you think about it.

<<Magic is a power to interfere directly into the system. With enough will and desires, you can do many impossible things. Having an ability like Anti-Magic can nullify or repel all of it.>>

See. It was absurd right. Because of it, I can't even damage the barrier even a little.

If he used this two power in our fight, I might have been defeated. No. I will surely be defeated. Ivarage might be an idiot for not using it. Or maybe, he didn't know how to used it?

Sighh! Thinking about this makes my head hurts! Even though I'm a slime only composed with brain cells, it still makes me feel tired for some reason.

Anyway, I have to destroy this barrier first so that I can help the others. My daughter was there to, if something happen to her, I won't forgive myself for not staying by her side.

This barrier was composed with complicated spell that I don't know. Thankfully, my partner was with me. When it comes to a problem like this that requires knowledge about magic and skills, Ciel-san is my only hope. She's like a super quantum computer after all.

Hey, Ciel-san. How long will it take to break this spell? I'm worried what was happening to Guy and others, especially my daughter.’

<<Don't worry, master. There's some unknown structure to the spell that I'm not quite familiar, but it won't take long to shatter and breakthrough it. Anti-Skill and Anti-Magic have the power nullify all skill and magic, but it can't nullify a physical attack. Though master's physical ability is not enough to shatter it, I have means of destroying it that didn't require any ultimate skill or magic.>>

That Time When my Daughter from Another Timeline Visited MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang