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Loving you wasn't wrong but the situations turned it wrong.



Arjun came back to his room later than he used to. He wasn't willing to face his wife not at this moment actually. He was actually not angry on her but disappointed at how she so easily asked him to forgive his mother. It wasn't her who went through all that trauma, it was him. She don't even know what it actually feels when somebody makes you feel like you are unwanted in the world. That was exactly how he used to feel when his mother suddenly changed her behavior towards him. He was a little child for godsake, he wasn't mature enough to understand all these things. He just remember when his classmate's mothers would come to their PTM and it was also his Roshni Ma who would attend those meetings with him.

He can't forget anything. He might love Tara more than himself but today he was hating himself for giving her so much right to make him feel this pathetic. Without even knowing anything clearly about his life, she straight away came to question him about his choices like he was a stupid, idiot man who was enjoying what he became today. He also wanted to have a normal life just like Kenit and Kinshuk not that he is jealous of them, no. He is somewhere responsible for them having so carefree nature because he didn't want them to feel even a bit of what he felt in his childhood.

She always said Saachi is more mature than her and he should've chosen somebody like her for himself. He always made sure she know how much precious she is to him. But right now, he was remembering how Saachi handled this situation all maturely never talking about this thing because she considered it was his personal decision as he was the one who suffered the most from it.

He opened the door to his room already done with all the things happened with him today. He found her sitting on the edge of the bed probably waiting for him only. He closed the door behind him not in the mood of another argument. She stood up immediately hearing the sound of door closing. 

She moved closer to him but he moved past her to check his files which were present on the bedside.

"Ji", she called knowing he was ignoring her. She felt something prickling in her heart seeing his ignorance but he was truly hurt because of her. She sat on her knees in front of him.

"Ji, Please at least look at me", she spoke pleading miserably in front of him. Arjun kept his files aside looking at her lastly.

"What?", He spoke rudely making her keep her head in his lap. To say, Arjun was irritated this point. Why was she doing this? To make him feel more helpless the next moment.

Not able to keep up with his anger, he finally held her hair making her look at him. 

"Tara, what the hell do you want from me because right now I am not in the mood of playing", he growled pulling her hair painfully making her close her eyes. He immediately left her hair standing up to move to his study already knowing that he won't get a sleep tonight. She immediately moved to follow him before standing in front of him keeping her hands on his chest not letting him move.

"Please Ji, Don't hurt yourself just because I've been stupid and ignorant towards your feelings. Punish me, shout at me but please don't ignore me", she spoke looking at him.

"Punishment, Tara. So you could tell me the next day that I physically hurt you. I don't trust your words", he spoke making her look down in shame.

"But I trust you", she whispered not wanting his ignorance anymore. She was feeling pain, right now. 

"Tell me something Tara, how do you feel when I spank you? Do you feel that I am hitting you", He asked holding her both arms pulling her closer to him. She shook her head while looking down.

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