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She moved out of the school building. Of course, it was very tiring to study as well as work at the same time but she wanted to have her own cash. Asking money from her parents at 23 was very weird for her and uncomfortable as well.

"Good Afternoon, Ma'am", One of her students wished her making her pass a smile to him wishing him back. She did prepare her to-do list for the day, she just need to review it after reaching home.

She looked up at the sky to find the weather pleasantly great for the day. The white clouds moving slowly in the blue sky with the light breeze and little sunlight made the day more beautiful. She held the shrug closer feeling a little cold. She chose to walk sometimes as a part of her exercise. 

She took a sharp turn moving in a less crowded somewhat deserted street pushing her long hair behind her ear feeling the cold breeze on her face smiling softly. She always felt at peace in nature and this place was covered with nature only.

With the green park on one side and the beautiful artificial lake on the other side. She was happy with her life. She didn't like to feel free. It always made her feel beautiful when she would have things lined up one after the other. 

In the starting, it was difficult for her to handle a saree but in the school in which she was working, it was compulsory to wear a saree for the teachers and she didn't have any problem with it as well. She moved ahead only to hear an agonizing scream from a nearby place. She looked around checking if her oversensitive ears heard the right thing when she heard another scream making her eyes wide. She moved in the direction of the sound still making sure she wasn't in trouble.

She peeked in the slightly dark street which was dark because of the shadows of the trees around. She looked one last time but found nothing weird.

"You are again overthinking", her mind told her making her nod her head.

She turned to move when she heard a gunshot sending shiver down her spine. The gunshot was accompanied by a loud scream. She looked back to find a man running with his right leg bleeding.

Her lips parted looking at him as a man wearing a black overcoat shoot him in another leg making her cup her face to stop her screams. Tears blurred her vision as she looked at the young man falling on his knees.

"I don't think little girls should roam around like this in such an unsafe place", she heard suddenly when her eyes were frozen on the guy withering in pain. She looked up only to find the man who was in the shadows till now in front of her eyes making her shout as she took steps back stumbling on her steps but still managing to keep standing.

Her eyes fall on the gun in his hands before looking at him.

"Why did you kill him?", she asked not able to stop herself as he leaned his head to the left still looking at her with a cruel smirk.

"Because he is not important to me", he answered making her look at him with teary eyes.

"I consider you really very courageous to stand in front of me and ask me questions even after seeing what I can do", he asked amusingly as she shook her head.

"Please don't hurt me. My family is waiting for me back at home", she asked in a small shaky voice.

"Leave before I change my mind", he stated the next moment making her stare at her face not believing his words. Her eyes fell back on the man who was still wincing in pain.

"Did I ask you to look around?", he asked making her look back at his sharp features making her gulp. She turned to leave only to hear him again.

"I don't think you are stupid enough to open your mouth in front of everyone", he told her making her shiver.

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