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Tara smiled coming inside her room after hearing the praises by his family. She was not expecting this day to be this beautiful. She pushed her hair strands behind her ear while looking at the jewelry box gifted by her mother-in-law. 

Arjun asked her to keep it in the safe inside the closet. 

She walked to the closet trying to find the locker and finally found it. She opened it with the password keeping the necklace aside. She looked inside as her eyes widen. She took a step back stumbling in the saree falling down. 

She cupped her lips looking at the guns inside it. It wasn't one or two. There were many.

Her breathing got heavier as she looked inside the locker with fear. How can this be possible? 

He didn't seem to be a man who owns guns using them is a far-off thing. She gulped before putting the necklace in it quickly closing it immediately.

She kept a hand on her heart which was beating loudly. Did she do something wrong trusting him this quickly? She didn't even know him till now.


Arjun entered inside the Khurana mansion with a tired sigh after the long meeting only to find his brothers fighting with each other pulling each other's hair.

"Kinshuk-Kenit, stay away from each other", he ordered only for them both to part away from each other.

"Only you can take care of them, Arjun. They still behave like 5 even when they are 20. I got married at this age", Roshni spoke glaring at her sons.

"Mumma, you never say the same to Siddharth", Kinshuk told her mother who shook her head.

"Because he is 4", Roshni told her son with an angry look to shut them up.

"Arjun baby, Tara is waiting for you. Spend some time with her", Roshni spoke caressing Arjun's hair who nodded passing a small smile to her. Roshni always adored Arjun just like her sons if not more than that.

"Yes, Ma", Arjun answered as Roshni walked to the kitchen to help Shraddha.

"Bhaiya, I feel so weird at points", Kinshuk said hugging one arm of Arjun which made him look at his brother.

"What weird?", Arjun asked his brother with raised eyebrows.

"Did you only get our best friend to get married with?", Kenit asked with a frown covering his calm face as well.

"What do you mean by that?", Arjun asked not getting their words.

"If we wouldn't have taken you to her brother's marriage, you won't have been married right now", Kinshuk pointed as Arjun narrowed his eyes at him.

"I am understanding what you are trying to say", Arjun told him in a slow intimidating voice.

"She is too young, brother. Why did you get married to her?", Kenit asked.

"Because he was bewitched with her beauty", Shraddha spoke walking into the living room making Arjun's face harden immediately.

"And he was getting old as well", Kenit said trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

"I need to see my wife if you please excuse me", Arjun said and walked upstairs not waiting for anyone's permission. He felt like his head was hurting hearing his mother. He never felt the same connection with her that he used to feel when he was a child.

He opened his room's door and his eyes immediately searched for his wife who was standing in the corner looking out of the room. He continued looking at her not able to believe that he really married her.

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