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She changed into a pair of her Anarkali dress, she already had here. She was tired from sleep last night. She was uncomfortable as she sat in front of her dresser. She looked outside of the window to find the dark clouds again in the sky. 

Why is it raining so much these days? It's not very common. She leaned her elbow on the window feeling the cold wind brushing her long hair. She closed her eyes feeling the sensation immediately his face came in front of her eyes. Her lips parted not liking this effect at all. She opened her eyes immediately taking a deep breath when her eyes caught something.

She saw some men dressed in all black like his guards on the corner of the street. 

She felt fear overpowering her nerves as she took a step back before running out of the room. No, she wasn't returning back not right now when she knew how dangerous he was.

"Chachi, I need to go", she spoke moving to the living room as she was the only one home today as everybody else was out for work.

"Where? Is Arjun here?", Her Chachi asked at once making her scared as she shook her head.

"If you want to go out for a walk then I would say it's the perfect weather to go out. You know the way to the park right or I should accompany you", Her Chachi asked softly. Tara knew it was dangerous to take her Chachi with her firstly her feet were swollen because of some allergy secondly her instincts could feel his presence around her closer than ever.

She felt the same in the past few days but now it was more intense. She moved out of the big door of the mansion looking around. She tried to cover her face with her dupatta but the shivering in her hands wasn't helping her anyway so she only did what her instincts told her.

She ran as fast as she could through the familiar streets. Her breathing was sharp but she couldn't think of a practical solution to get out of her problematic life.

She reached a grassy land where she used to visit with her father and Chachu in her childhood with her brothers to play but the happy feeling she felt then wasn't there this time she ended up stumbling on her steps falling on her knees hurting her elbows as well. Her eyes started getting watery as she tried to stand up but her knees were hurting too much.

She took a deep breath before standing up when she heard tires screeching voice which made her turn.

Within a few moments, she was surrounded by seven expensive cars. She tried to find a way to run but found none. She couldn't believe what was happening. It was like they were waiting for her to take a step and then they would do what they were planning.

A man in black got down from the driving seat. She knew him. He was her husband's most trusted bodyguard and chauffeur. Her eyes followed him who moved to the back and opened the door of the back seat. She stared at the car with fear clearly visible in her eyes. She knew what was coming but was too scared to take another step.

The man wearing grey pants with a black long overcoat got down the car with his black shiny shoes telling their worth silently. She stumbled back on her steps falling back finding the man she ran away from in front of her looking no less than a devil with his silent composure. His hair was pushed back in a messy way.

"What did I tell you, Baby?", he asked in a calm voice taking predatory steps towards her. She looked down with teary eyes knowing his sadistic ways.

He scrunch down to her level as she fisted her long Anarkali suit in fear.

"I asked you something", he asked in the same calm voice but she knew he was losing his calm.

"So...Sorry", she sobbed softly stuttering miserably.

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