C < please, be honest with me and don't fall into the usual clichés of the cheaters, these bastards!> I say with anger.

M < but it's true that it's not like it seems.. I swear!> I notice that she moves agitated on her seat, while trying to drive with more speed towards our goal and meanwhile explain herself to me.

C < so what do you have to say?>

M < I don't use it anymore..> she says clearly referring to the online dating app through which we met and which has just sent her a notification on the screen.

C < in fact you get the notification for what reason? You know? It's not that ..why do you still have it installed?!>

M < it's true, you're right, in that I was wrong, but I swear I don't use it..!> I annoyed puff.

C < if you make fun of me and don't tell me the truth you're making things worse..>

M < ok, I didn't use it until last night...> she corrects herself and I burst out laughing hysterically.

C <last night?? Really?> she nods, without saying anything. < let me understand... you panic and instead of talking to me are you looking for someone to fuck you?> I ask directly.

M < it's not like that, I didn't do anything!>

C < you just said that you used it!>

M < yes, but I didn't look for anyone..> she says.

C < so why did you use it? Come on, Maya, don't say bullshit!!> I exclaim angrily. In the meantime Maya parks and I realize that we are in front of the trattoria that her friends had chosen for today: nice mood to get to know them!

M < I didn't do anything really! I panicked and reopened the app, it's true..but I just exchanged a few messages...I swear..> now she turned to look at me, but I'm too angry and I can't.

C < and it seems normal to you that after all this time when you panic you run away to look for a stranger instead of me? What do I have to think? That at every fight we will have, you will go to fuck who knows where?> she shakes her head, but I do not give her time to talk, that I get out of the car, slamming the door with anger. Maya is immediately behind me, running close to me.

M < Cari, please...> she says, slowly grabbing my arm, which she leaves immediately when I look at her badly.

C < please what??> she puts her hands in her pockets and shrugs her shoulders.

M < can we talk about it later?> she asks, looking in trouble to the door of the trattoria. I smile, shaking my head.

C < do you know how easy it would be to get out of here and make you a shitty figure with your friends?>

M < yes, I know, but please, I care a lot about you..>

C < you have a good way to show it...> and I keep talking loudly, because I can't calm down.

M < I told you, I freak out!!> she exclaims, closing herself in defending, but the more she says it, the more I get nervous.

C < this is the problem Maya!>

M < that I freak out?> she interrupts me.

C < no, that since you can't fuck with me you're looking for someone else to do it with!> I say annoyed.

M < it's not like that..>

C < it's the only thing you can say?> I attack her. Maya remains silent and I realize that she has remained in the same position, with her feet still on the ground, her hands in her pockets and her eyes shiny. I sigh, but it doesn't seem to be able to serve much to calm me down. < look, Maya, I don't know how to tell you that I like you, I like you so much, and I can have all the patience in the world. But if that's your way of reacting to panic, I'm not there. If you have to go and look around..> Maya opens her mouth to interrupt me.

Just me & you (G!P)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon