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Volume 1 Episode 30

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After only attending for a few weeks, she became accustomed to her academy life. Gradually, the OG(1) Arietta's life pattern was also ingrained into her body, and whether it was an understanding of the Soliden curriculum or a brief feeling about the contents of the class, she was adapting to many things in a shorter period of time than she had expected.

(T/N: 1. Abbreviation for 'Original')

Oh, I'm such a genius.

It was a little sad because there was no one whom she could brag about being a genius, but what can she do? At first, she thought that she would never be able to adjust to this life. Because the OG Arietta is so loved by the faculty of the academy, whenever she attends the classes of her close professors, she has to go to the professor's lab after each class and talk about life.

It was a little uncomfortable, but humans are adaptable animals. Now, the favoritism and love she received from the professors were so good that she just shrugged her shoulders.

"But I don't like this kind of stuff though."

With a sigh, she grabbed the documents in her arms again. Sigh. When she was in high school, whenever she went to the school office, it was because of this and that teacher's errand. It was the same here at the Soliden Academy.

How can they just use a high-end manpower like me on petty errands like this?

"Is this the student council?"

She narrowed her eyes and looked up at the plaque hanging above the door.

Student Council Room. Hmm.

Is this the right place? The feeling was a little subtle, like Napoleon's cry to follow him.

She guessed this isn't it. She doesn't know where the hell it is. But she soon realized that this is the student council. When she found out that she wasn't in the wrong place, she sighed in relief and put her hand on the doorknob.

Up until last semester, the OG Arietta had been a student council since she entered the school, but this was her first visit to the student council room of the Department of Humanities. To be honest, she doesn't even know what the student council room looks like.

With a pounding heart, she slightly opens the door and sticks her head in...

Surprisingly, there was no one in the student council room.

Wow, those idiots, there's no one here. They say it's the student council, aren't they all just a bunch of punks?

"But what did he tell me to bring again?"

Once she placed the documents that the professor gave her on a desk, she looked at the drawers around her. She suddenly can't remember what the professor told her to find.

What was it again? What was it?...


Oh, yeah, that's it!

"What are you doing?"

Just as she was reaching out a hand to search the drawers, she heard a cold voice coming from behind her back.

She was surprised, but she looked back without showing it on her face.

Yeah, I thought you'd be the only one with such a cold voice. Ashille.

She smiled brightly.

"I'm here to run an errand for a professor. But there's no one here, so... Did I do anything wrong?"

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