Chapter 9: Cale Wants a Rest and KRS is the Epitome of Patience

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The first part is a bit lame and slow, but I hope everything is just fine...



Nobles party, Cute Lily and... What are the kittens doing?


It was now nighttime, but the Henituse Castle seem to not be interested in snoozing for the night.

Cheerful chatters and laughter can be heard, people eating, walking around, and chatting with their close 'friends' and acquaintances. But among all of those people, only three beings have caught Ron's attention.

He hummed as he looked at the two kittens running around and chasing after a small glowing tennis ball.

'How odd, we didn't know there were big fireflies like that'

The Henituse gate has been opened completely, making people from the outside enter lusciously, thus, it also means that people from the inside can go out as they please. And those two kittens seems to be one of those people.

He stared at the two kittens a little longer before continuing his work on helping his son supervise in the kitchen to make sure that the food and beverages will be served perfectly and smoothly, without fail.

"It seems that the young master have taken in such interesting young ones" Ron said when he stopped beside his son who was busy chopping something

"father? "

"Two kittens from the Cat tribe had entered the house" Ron announced to his son who then looked at him with a sharp and calculating gaze.

"Cat tribe? Should I dispose of them father?" Vicross whispered back as he stopped whatever his doing and faced his father

"hoho, our young master will be very sad if you do that Vicross. Let's just monitor the little ones for now" Ron said and tapped his son on his shoulder and walked to his own post

While all the fun and parties are happening, a certain red hair is currently on his way back to his room. Definitely not because he's tired of seeing people he doesn't precisely want to see even if it's just a glimpse of their hair

Cale can still hear the loud music and chatters of the people from the hall that he had just left

"haa, how noisy" Cale said as he chugged the alcohol that he scooped out from the party, definitely not from Vicross's kitchen

Basen is tired and sleepy, he just wants to get out of here and dump his body on his warm and cozy bed. But sadly, and unfortunately, he can't do so because of this event that the Henituse Family is hosting.

Basen held his younger sister's hands tighter, making sure that Lily doesn't run away and cause trouble, which he doubt because Lily is a very behave kid. A few minutes of talking and chatting with some of the kids from different noble families, Violan, their mother, approached them and

"Basen, You and Lily should go back to your rooms now as well, it's getting past your bedtime" Basen Henituse's mother, Violan Henituse, spoke to him and told him to go after seeing that the certain redhead had grumpily walked out of the hall after scooping out a glass of alcohol

"Pardon? Are you sure mother?" Basen asked one more time as he looks at his mother with a questioning gaze

"Yes, your father and I can stay here and take care of this. Kids should go to sleep now" Violan assured her son and pat his and Lily's head

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