Chapter 6: Storm

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The storm had hit, and the wind that was strong earlier had gotten stronger. Houses had started closing their doors and windows, stalls had finished cleaning up, and had started calling it a day even though they were not supposed to close just yet, but they had to because of the storm.

Raindrops had started pouring slowly and calmly, but the wind is making it harmful for the people outside. While all of this are happening, two kittens hugged each other closely and snuggled in the wall and trashbin that they had found earlier and became their 'new shelter for this storm'

"Noona, I'm scared" the red kitten said as he nestled into his older sister

"Don't worry, it will pass soon. We just have to stay here for a bit" the older silver kitten said as she lick her brother's fur to ease his nervousness 

"mhm. I really hope it's just for one night" the red kitten whispered and closed his eyes for a bit. It's cold.

'It's so cold as if it's already winter... I really hate rainy and winter seasons' Hong, the young red kitten, thought in his mind. 

"I hope so too" Ohn, the older one, responded to his brother's whispering

While the two kittens are talking and making each other feel warm, they didn't notice a certain luminous ball floating a few feet above them

"haa, why did I decide to leave that place again?" Kim Rok Soo mumbled to himself as he started looking for a place to rest for a bit.

He's not tired, but he feels sleepy. 

'Is this how souls get tired? I guess I have been up for 2 whole days that I also needed to rest even just for a bit' Kim Rok Soo thought and sighed as he slowly lowered his dimming body. His light, which is currently emitting a yellow color, is starting to go dim again.

"I think I only have at least 20 to 30 minutes left" Kim Rok Soo said and was about to float upwards when he heard two children talking

"Noona, I'm scared"

 "Don't worry, it will pass soon. We just have to stay here for a bit"

Kim Rok Soo looked down, but he did not see any children around. Just a red kitten snuggling on the slightly bigger silver kitten

'I guess this really is a fantasy world, seeing that even cats have such unique colors'

"mhm. I really hope it's just for one night"  he heard the child's voice again, but this time, he saw the kitten opening its mouth

"... the Cat just talked..." Kim Rok Soo whispered

"I hope so too" the silver kitten opened its mouth as well

'The red seems to be a young boy while the silver one is a girl... Are they perhaps a member of the Cat Tribe?' Kim Rok Soo analyzed the two kittens and slowly flew down

"Noona, do you think the food that we have is enough to last for the whole storm? It might not only just for today but for the whole week just like last time" the red kitten said

"I'm not sure Hong. We should eat it little by little so we can at least make it last for three days." the silver kitten replied

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