For a moment we simply stare at each other neither saying or doing anything and then she speaks, "I have had a grudge against werewolves for so long I sometimes forget that not all werewolves are bad. I'm willing to try. Don't expect miracles or even any progress but I'm willing to get to know you and your world and I might be willing to let you into my world too. In three weeks I want I visit my Grandma in my old hometown. I visit her once a month as you probably heard and if in one month I haven't killed you I'd be willing to let you take me. So are you willing to try with me?" Her eye's are a mixture I fear, hope, pain, and something I can't describe all I know is that in that moment my mate finally begins to let me in.

"Yes," I reply trying hard not to grin like an idiot. "I'd love to try with you." Hope, I finally have hope that she might actually love me like I love her.

"Okay then," she says turning away as the cook book flies over. "I hope you like chicken cause that's about all I can make when I'm losing my mind."

"Chicken would be great. How long does it have?" I say thinking about how to ease her mind while wondering what could be causing her to lose her mind.

"Twenty two minutes," she says as the timer flies down next to the cook book. "Want to play twenty questions?"

The Wicked Witch

The moment it comes out of my mouth I regret it. Twenty questions? What the hell was I thinking saying that? Sure, I might have loved to play it with new friends as a kid but he could potentially ask me anything and those anything question could be dangerous.

"Sure," replies Lucas grinning at me. "Shall I go first?"

"Um okay," I say trying hard not to panic and fling him across the room.

"What's your," he says and I tense up at his words. "favorite color?"

I almost laugh out loud in relief, "My favorite color?" I let out the breath I've been holding. "Purple."

"Interesting," he says watching me carefully. "When's your birthday?"

"I just had one last month," I reply. "it's April 21."

"How old did you turn?"


"What's your favorite food?"

"Macaroni and cheese!"


"Yup I have some in the upper oven to have with dinner."

"Okay. How about favorite animal?"

"Pft well sorry to burst your bubble but it isn't wolves, it's rhinos."

"Rhinos, seriously?"

"Is there something wrong with loving rhinos?"

"No, it's just unexpected."

"What did you expect?"

"I don't know really I never do with you."

I grin at that I can't help it, "Keeps life interesting though doesn't it?"

"Yeah," he says looking over at me. "it certainly does."

"Is dinner ready yet?" asks Arthur banging through the door. "I'm starving!" Right as he enters the timer goes off and waving my hand the kitchen goes back into action taking things out of the oven and getting out plates and silverware.

"Just came out," I say smiling at him. "I'll bring it in now so go back to your seat.

"Okay," say Arthur going back into the dinning room.

"Want help carrying it in?" asks Lucas standing up and holding out a hand to help me up.

"I don't need it," I say laughing. "I'm a witch remember have you not been watching how I cook?"

"Oh!" Lucas says grinning sheepishly. "Well okay then I guess I'll just go take my seat."

"And I shall join you," I say moving ahead of the plethora of platers. Lucas holds the door open for me and gently places his hand on the small of my back as he leads me through. I don't stiffen when he touches me and I'm trying not to freak out.

Entering the room we're greeted by loud laughter and talking. As Lucas pulls out my chair for me to sit in I look around at all of us sitting here. We look like a family, a big dysfunctional family and for a moment I relax completely and allow myself to smile and have fun even though I'm surrounded by werewolves.

Several hours later after dinner, dessert, and an almost food fight I'm in my room brushing my hair before bed when I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in," I call looking up to see who it is. The door opens and Aunt Marye and Monique walk in.

"Oh here dear let me do that," murmurs Monique as she tightens the sash of her white robe. Coming to stand behind me she takes the brush from my hand and begins to brush it herself.

"So in little over a week you manage I get kidnapped by a werewolf, meet a friend from your past, and meet your mate." stats Aunt Marye draping herself over my bed and turning so she can look at me.

"You make it sound so productive," I say rolling my eyes. "I didn't plan on any of this happening!"

"Of course you didn't," soothes Monique as she sections my hair.

"This might not be such a bad thing," Aunt Marye muses. "You've carried this grudge against their kind for too long. Maybe it's time to let someone else in."

"What do you mean let someone in?" I demand as Monique begins to braid my hair.

"Oh honey," Monique says. "When is the last time you let yourself relax? When did you last make a good friend? And fall in love? You've never let a guy get close enough!"

"Yes I did," I snap. "Remember the last time I let people in? It ended badly... My life has been one screwed up mess after another. The people I trust and love always seem to get hurt! I don't want that to happen again!"

Aunt Marye comes over and envelopes me in a hug, "Hush honey." Monique has finished braiding my hair and hugs me too.

"Shhh," croons Monique and that's when I realize I'm crying. I choked sob comes out of my mouth and I crumple allowing them to catch me as I fall.

We stay like that for awhile while a cry myself out. I let it all out and fall asleep to the soft sound of Aunt Marye and Monique singing softly to me.

When The Wicked Witch Meets the Big Bad WolfWhere stories live. Discover now