43 | Plan A

Depuis le début

Robin nodded "I promise... she'll be fine. But what about you? what are you going to do?" she propped Mia up against her side, her hands wrapped firmly around her,

"I'm gonna be a distraction..." He shook his head, and glanced behind him, seeing the Russians get closer, "Go!"

"Stiles! S-Stop! what... hey!--" Mia started to yell, her words slurring as Robin dragged her away, "Hey! no stiles, w-what are you doing!!"

The older Hopper turned, not being able to face her screams for much longer and quickly scanned for anything to protect himself, he had managed to lock eyes on a crate, holding the last gun, he saw one of the soldiers at the very back approach so he made his move, lunging his whole body towards the box and swiftly taking hold of the gun, he rested it comfortably, the training his dad had given him coming back as he pointed directly at the gun in the front, who just smirked at him,

"You... must be Stiles Hopper" He hummed, completely butchering his name,

"Stop the door"

He tutted "I do not think that is your best option"

"Stop the damn door!"

"Ah! But we are merely trying to save you, no? we are protecting you from the big world, now they know about us... they will think you are a part of the project. lock you up, all of you." He lied, his accent thick, and hard to understand "Stiles! you have to believe me, we only want you safe"

"Bullshit you Russian fucking assholes," He shook his head, readjusting his gun as they took a step closer,

"You are not getting to that door boy...." The Russian menacingly spoke, but his face flattened as the sound of the mechanics stop, making Stiles whip his head around to see the other 5 stood beyond the door, Robin holding a little remote in her hand,

"Stiles! Let's go man!" Dustin yelled, jumping onto his toes as he watched the older boy's head whip around. The only way he could possibly make it to the door without being grabbed was to shoot before taking off, so he held the gun close, focusing on buffer guy first, making sure to hit him-- the bullet shot straight through his arm, manging to hit the solder behind him as Stiles smiled, proud of himself before he started taking blind fire, hitting everyone possible as the main guy tried his hardest to get the door moving again. But soon enough the loud cracks of the bullets slowly faded to painful clicks of a empty barrel, he checked and his eyes widened before he threw the gun to the soldiers feet, making them slightly trip as he spun on his heal and took off, they copied in suit after stabilising themselves, following him down the tunnel, though as Stiles got closer the door started moving again, the kids behind it all sighed and started screaming words of praise to him, hoping it would make him run faster,

"Come on Stiles! you got it!"

"YOu can run fast!!"

"Come on!"

"Your loosing them man come on!!"

his heart was beating out of his chest, the adrenaline rushing through him was feeling like no other, he couldn't hear the screams of shouts anymore just his heavy breathing as he tried to calculate how he'd get though the door that was inching closer and closer to the ground by the second, last minute he threw his body to the ground and pushed, sending himself flying under the door as it was just centimetres above ground. Once the five teens could hold him Mia stumbled to the control panel on the wall, a old battery pack in her hand and started smashing it making all kinds of wires and smoke pour out.

"Holy fuck..." Stiles breathed out a few seconds later, using robin's hand to help himself up,

"Are you okay?" Erica asked,

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