Chapter 50

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Wei Wuxian was looking down at his precious son and could hardly believe that he had him in his arms again. It was so incredible that Jiang Yanli had managed to find him in her room just like that. He had been so scared that someone had wanted to harm his baby and kidnaped him, yet here he was, very much safe and sound and saying that it had all been his own doing. Wei Wuxian could not fight the tears which continued falling down his cheeks.

He was not too sure whether he should scold the toddler or praise him for his sensitivity in wanting to help a friend in distress. He had gotten such a scare after all. He wondered if he was to tell him that he had done the right thing, would something like this happen again? That was what he was now fearing the most. He was not sure he would be able to stay sane if A-Yuan disappeared like that ever again.

However, he was not convinced that scolding the toddler was the right way either. He had never done so as he had never needed or wanted to. He himself had lived a less than ideal childhood and he dreaded to cause A-Yuan even the smallest distress. Not that scolding had been ever necessary until this point. A-Yuan was the best-behaved baby he had ever known. Until now, that was. And was it even his fault to begin with? He had just not known any better and had run away trying to go help Jin Ling.

Wei Wuxian was at a loss and the toddler could apparently feel it. His little angelic face scrunched in sadness and distress. First, there was a little sniffling which was making the Omega's heart squeeze painfully. He knew fully well that he should react somehow, that it was his inaction which was making his son scared, he was still too bewildered and frightened himself though.

And then, his little radish started crying.

Not that A-Yuan never cried, of course he did from time to time, when he had gotten a scare or fell and scraped his knee, but it still felt like forever since Wei Wuxian saw him this inconsolable. He was at a complete loss about what to do. He looked around himself, searching for Lan Zhan's support and advice, forgetting that his husband was not here with him right now. He was starting to panic all over again and was becoming more and more confused and helpless by the second.

Before he could do something that he would regret for the rest of his life, Jiang Yanli, the guarding and guiding angel she was, intervened. She came closer towards him, juggling with Jin Ling to keep him in her arms. It looked like he was just as inconsolable as A-Yuan and a lot less still in his grief. In the very back of his mind, Wei Wuxian wondered whether it had been his son's influence or if he had only started crying at the same time.

Luckily, Jiang Yanli, the experienced mother she was – she had even singlehandedly brought up Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng when their parents had not been able to – knew the reply to the question which was torturing her brother's mind. It looked neither praising nor scolding were the correct way. In fact, it was the combination of them and a calm explanation about what was happening that she was proposing.

She leaned a little forward to be on the same level as A-Yuan and patted his head gently to attract his full attention: "A-Yuan, baby, do not cry. Your father was simply scared because you have disappeared from your room and he could not find you. It is good that you wanted to help A-Ling, and I am grateful for that, but you should have told an adult first. They could have helped you. Your father was very worried that you have gotten hurt."

"Thank you, Shijie, you are the best," Wei Wuxian was staring at his sister in awe. She had just helped him out of a tight spot in the most efficient and gentle of ways. "I should have done this from the very beginning. I would have, usually. It was just that I have been way too scared and shocked. I should work on my ability to contain even such emotions, especially when A-Yuan will need me to be there in the future. It was clear that my fear influenced him. I feel so bad for making him think that I was angry with him when it was clearly so far from reality!"

A-Yuan stopped crying as if by magic and was looking at Jiang Yanli with wide eyes. He continued sniffling softly while his expression changed from distressed into pensive. The oldest of the Jiang siblings smiled kindly and patted his head again, probably to reassure him that despite her words, she still loved him very much and was proud of him for being compassionate and ready to help his friends.

Then, A-Yuan slowly turned towards his parent and asked with an adorable scowl on his face: "Daddy was scared? Daddy is not mad A-Yuan run away? He does not hate A-Yuan? Is A-Yuan still a good boy?"

So many heart-breaking questions, Wei Wuxian had really done it this time. He rushed to correct what he still could: "Of course not, little radish! I love you very much, you should know that. And I am proud of you for helping A-Ling when he had not been feeling well and had been sad. However, it is like your Auntie Yanli said, I was scared. Please do not disappear like that again. Tell me, your father or Xichen-Gege or Huisang-Gege, or some other adult that we know where you are going. Alright, my brave little radish?"

A-Yuan's face cleared at that very second and the toddler beamed at him, clearly happy about the praise. "A-Yuan promises to tell next time. Sorry daddy, do not be sad. A-Yuan is right here!"

The toddler exclaimed and snuggled closer to Wei Wuxian's chest while giving him a tight hug. The Omega's tears finally stopped and he was able to smile right back at him and hug him in return. He was so glad his son was fine. That was all that mattered to him really. He just hoped that the toddler would take this lesson to heart and would tell someone the next time he wanted to play a little hero.

His worries were finally calming down and ever since the first second he had been told that A-Yuan had been missing, Wei Wuxian could breathe properly. He felt his son relax in his embrace and go all slack and relaxed; he had fallen asleep. The excitement of the evening had clearly been too much for him and now that Wei Wuxian was calm and collected again, the toddler reacted to his emotions and felt safe. The Omega smiled and tugged his son a little deeper into his arms, it would be bad if the little one caught a cold, he did not have his outer robe on after all.

"Good, I am glad we managed to find A-Yuan. We should now probably cancel the search party," Lan Xichen prompted softly with his voice full of emotions.

It was only at this moment that Wei Wuxian realized someone was still missing to complete his small family. "Lan Zhan!" he called into their mental bond, "everything is fine now, we have found A-Yuan!"

He was a little surprised when he received no reply and could not even feel his husband anywhere. He was not scared though, not really. He knew Lan Zhan could take care of himself. "He probably closed the mental bond so he would not be influenced by my worries and could properly focus on the search. He is such a good father. He must have known I was way too far gone to listen to him and that the only way to calm me down would be to find A-Yuan."

Wei Wuxian closed his eyes and released his Omega pheromones. He was so relieved at the moment that they came out especially thick and potent. Which was good, his Alpha would know that he was calling for him. Lan Zhan would certainly be able to sense them from wherever he was. Wei Wuxian hoped that he would hurry back so they could be both happily reunited with their baby.

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