Chapter 18

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Lan Wangji started serving tea to a little awkward group of Jiang Cheng, Wen Ning and Jin Zixuan. They were currently the only ones sitting at the low table, looking at each other as if they did not know what to talk about. And Lan Wangji assumed that that was exactly the case: "They have all came to meet Wei Ying whom they have not seen for a long time. They probably feel bad that he is now sitting away in the garden with only A-Yuan and Jiang Yanli..."

Before he could even finish his thoughts, his suspicions were proven correct when Jiang Cheng apparently could not bear being ignored by his brother anymore and exploded loudly: "Wei Wuxian, what are you doing over there? We have not come to watch you play with your son."

Lan Wangji winced internally when he saw Wei Ying's head snap up from where he had been watching the toddlers and his hands wrapped protectively around A-Yuan, clearly ready to protect him from any danger. His expression was somewhat panicky, before he realized that it had been just his brother calling for him in a rude and overly loud manner.

The Second Jade could not have been sure but he thought that he once again heard Wei Ying's insecurities and self-blame flare: "Jiang Cheng is right. They came here specially to meet with us and here I am, only keeping my eyes on A-Yuan... But... What if something happened while I looked away? What if A-Ling escaped Shijie's guard and injured A-Yuan? Not because he would want to be mean, of course not, he seems like such a sweet child, although a lot louder and poutier than A-Yuan. No, not because of malice but due to him not being able to control his strength and movements well enough yet. If he simply wanted to play and hit A-Yuan, it could end badly..."

Lan Wangji winced again, no matter if those were his husband's thoughts or if he was imagining them, he was sure that something around those lines was currently running through Wen Ying's head. Judging by his expression – hidden behind a smile but not entirely – he felt both guilty and anxious at the same time.

Lan Wangji had a strong urge to go hug his husband and hum their special song into his ear until he would be able to relax again. However, someone was faster than him in calming the situation. From a corner of his eye, he caught a movement to his right and he slightly turned his head, checking what was happening.

It was Wen Ning. He put one of his hands on Jiang Cheng's shoulder and squeezed it, from the looks of things not too lightly. It managed to attract the Yunmeng Jiang sect leader's attention and he turned towards his husband. Wen Ning's expression was soft, but there was definitely a hard edge to it, his voice was scolding when he reminded:

"A-Cheng, this is no way to talk to our hosts. I know you have been looking forward to this visit, but you also have to understand that your brother and sister are now parents and have to keep the wellbeing of their children on their minds at all times. A-Yuan and A-Ling are still small, someone needs to watch over them."

The little speech seemed to have worked. Jiang Cheng's formerly angry and irritated expression softened. If Lan Wangji did not know him any better, he would have thought that there was even guilt in the Yunmeng Jiang sect leader's eyes. Apparently, being chastised by his husband, even if spoken softly so not many people would hear, was working just as well as when Wei Ying had been complaining about something to Lan Wangji. It was an Alpha's job to protect and look after their Omegas to the best of their abilities after all.

"Wei Wuxian," tried Jiang Cheng again, this time a lot more calmly and with an almost apologetic tone, "how about..."

But he shut his mouth close after only starting his sentence. It was clear that he did not know how to continue and what to suggest to make the best arrangement. He wanted to catch up with his siblings but he also knew that the children would not sit quietly for long if they took them to the table and did not let them play in the garden.

Seeing the Yunmeng Jiang sect leader's distress, Lan Wangji felt sorry for him. Moreover, he wanted Wei Ying to be able to talk to his siblings in peace and have a good time without worrying about A-Yuan.

"I will watch the children," he proposed.

At the same time as the words left his mouth, there were two other people speaking as well, namely Wen Ning and Jin Zixuan who both suggested the same thing. Possibly because they had the same idea as Lan Wangji and wanted to give their partners time to have a good talk among siblings. Or, in Jin Zixuan's case, Lan Wangji suspected it was to escape the awkward atmosphere around the table. No matter though, they were of the same mind and it was all that counted.

To make his husband relax further and sooth the worries he could see starting to bloom in his mind, the Second Jade reassured, just between the two of them: "Wei Ying, you should come talk with your siblings. You have not seen them for a long time, you surely have much to tell each other. I, Wen Ning and Young Master Jin, we can watch the children in the meantime. Do not worry, if there is anything happening, even the slightest of possible dangers, I would call you over immediately. You should have a good time when you have the opportunity."

Luckily, his reassurance seemed to have worked as Wei Ying's smile became genuine and he jumped to his feet eagerly and full of energy. A-Yuan was still safely nested in his arms and Lan Wangji who had just finished pouring tea for their guests came out into the garden and took the toddler from him. Wei Ying left A-Yuan in his care after caressing his hand softly.

"Protect him for me, Lan Zhan."

Wei Ying whispered into their mental bond and Lan Wangji was both happy and sad at once. He was proud of his husband's progress when it came to letting A-Yuan be watched by people other than the Omega himself. However, it was breaking his heart to hear him still being overly worried and asking Lan Wangji to look out for a danger that did not exist in the Cloud Recesses. Of course, anything could happen to a small child, like tripping and falling down, but there was no one who would want to separate him from his parents as Wei Ying regularly feared.

Still, Lan Wangji would never deny his husband the reassurance he needed. So, he kissed his fated soulmate gently on the lips and whispered right back into their shared mental space: "I will, Wei Ying. Always."

With that, the Omega finally looked a little more at ease and with one last look over his shoulder, went with his sister to join Jiang Cheng at the table. In turn, Wen Ning and Jin Zixuan came to sit with Lan Wangji and the children on the grass and started playing with them and entertaining them so the three siblings on the porch enjoy each other's company without being disturbed.

Letting go of self-restraint 5 - Great happiness in a small packageحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن