Chapter 15

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Jiang Cheng saw even from a fair distance how his brother was swinging A-Yuan in the air and laughing happily with him. This reassured him to no end as he had been getting news that Wei Wuxian had become all but reclusive after giving birth. It seemed like things were finally getting back on track and he could stop worrying about that idiot and his family. He had not been able to come visit too often because running a whole sect did not leave him with much time to spare, but he was doing his best.

He could also tell that Wei Wuxian's new family and their wellbeing had been on the mind of his own husband. Wen Ning had not stopped pestering him each time when a letter had arrived to reply immediately. Which, Jiang Cheng had a really hard time to do anyway. He never enjoyed writing letters; he was more for face-to-face meetings and direct communication.

"But that idiot brother of mine had never showed up in Lotus Pier. Even if I wanted to think that it was because he still could not stand the place because of what Yu Ziyuan had done to him in its walls, he had been fine during the wedding, so it cannot be for this reason. I even asked sister what she thought and the explanation that it is dangerous and difficult to travel with small children is not sitting too well with me either. After all, she came with Jin Ling for a visit and he is not all that older than A-Yuan."

Indeed, during the last two years, ever since the birth of her son, this was the first time Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan came to the Lotus Pier. Jiang Cheng could not forego the opportunity and he dragged all of them to the Cloud Recesses. For if Wei Wuxian was not willing – or could not, but Jiang Cheng did not want to think about this possibility – to come himself, they were coming to him.

He felt Wen Ning's arms tighten around his waist where he was holding onto the Yunmeng Jiang sect leader. Because of his weak golden core, it was hard for Wen Ning to travel long distance on his sword on his own. And if Jiang Cheng liked the way he could casually hold his husband close, no one had to know.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw that even Jin Zixuan was going for the landing. Jiang Yanli was also flying on his sword together with him. However, she was standing in front of the Lanling Jin sect heir and they were both holding tight onto a sleeping Jin Ling.

"That does not look too comfortable," Jiang Cheng had to admit. "But it seems like the only way to move when flying with an infant. Otherwise, we would have spent a week on travels and we would have no time to stay in the Cloud Recesses. Jin Zixuan could be only a sect heir but he still has his duties; and they cannot take Jin Ling with them everywhere, he is still too young. I have my own work waiting for me back in the Lotus Pier so whether I like it or not, this can only be a short visit."

Finally, they dismounted their swords and moved closer to stupidly lovey-dovey family who was waiting for them. Jiang Cheng could tell they were not even aware of their presence, despite coming all the way to the gates of the Cloud Recesses to greet them personally. And apparently, Wei Wuxian was telling nonsense about him to his son.

Somewhat grumpily – he was tired from the long journey and he did not even get a proper greeting from the brother he had come to see – he tried to defend himself against whatever the toddler had been told: "What is the most effective tactic and for what? Are you talking about me behind my back, Wei Wuxian?"

His brother stilled for a second but them swirled around so quickly he almost fell over. He regained his balance immediately however and was already looking at him with that foolishly wide and happy grin of his. Everything seemed to be fine. Even more than fine apparently.

"Last time I had seen Wei Wuxian, he had still been recovering from everything: from Yu Ziyuan's torture, from stupidly running away and almost starving himself and his baby to death and then from giving birth and having to become a parent. Which is apparently exhausting if Yanli was saying the truth, I wonder if A-Yuan had been crying as much as Jin Ling. But now, he looks healthier than I have ever seen him in his life. It suits him."

Then, Jiang Cheng's eyes stopped scanning his brother and they turned towards the baby he was holding. "What baby," he corrected himself on a second take, "he had grown so much in the half a year I had not seen him. He had been such a runt when he had been born, but now, look at the young master, I bet he will get as strong as Jin Ling in no time. And perhaps he already has."

Just like each time he saw his siblings' children, Jiang Cheng could not not feel a little jealous. He dearly wanted a child, or preferably more of them, of his own, but it was still not coming. Not that he and Wen Ning had not been trying diligently enough, but they had no luck until now. This however would never discourage the Yunmeng Jiang sect leader from wanting to dote on his precious baby nephews, both of them without difference.

Before he could observe the small family in front of him any longer and confirm that Lan Wangji looked just as serious and protective as ever, Wei Wuxian gave out an undignified squeak and closed the distance which separated them. He hurried to stand as close as humanly possible while holding a child in his arms and grinning almost maniacally. Lan Wangji followed suite – more slowly and with the usual Gusu Lan sect dignity of course – and watched his husband with careful eyes, without a doubt ready to catch him or A-Yuan in case Wei Wuxian's hurry made him trip.

"Jiang Cheng, Wen Ning!" he exclaimed loudly. "It is so good to have you here. We have been..."

His voice was cut off as he finally seemed to notice who Jiang Cheng had brought with him. Then, a second later, he had apparently overcome fully his shock and made his way around the Yunmeng Jiang sect leader and his husband to go meet Jiang Yanli, Jin Zixuan and Jin Ling.

"Shijie! And A-Ling! Such a great surprise! Are you alright? Should you be travelling all around already? Is Peacock keeping an eye on you and being careful enough with A-Ling? Come, come, you must be tired, let us get you inside and rest." Wei Wuxian was going on and on, not being able to contain his excitement. It was only then that Jiang Cheng had realized his brother had not seen their sister for nearly two years now.

The other small family of three had been until then standing a little behind him, but they were now hurrying over. Or at least Jiang Yanli with the toddler in her arms was. They met in the middle and tried their best to valiantly hug even while still holding safely onto the children. If Jiang Cheng had anything to say about it, A-Yuan looked adorably bewildered, probably not used to so much commotion after living solely in the Cloud Recesses. He wondered how Jin Ling would react to meeting his cousin for the first time. It was sure to be an entertaining and adorable meeting and Jiang Cheng was determined not to miss it.

"Finally, we are all together again," he sighed internally and fought an urge to start smiling like an idiot as well. Just like always, Wei Wuxian's laughter and brightness were influencing everyone around him. Even the usually stoic Second Jade had a soft expression today, nothing frosty or distanced about it. "It looks like I have missed so much... We will have one hell of a time catching up."

Convinced by a small nudge from Wen Ning, Jiang Cheng strode three steps forward and joined a little stiffly the family hug. After the first initial moment of awkwardness, they managed to shuffle around and accommodate everyone. Jiang Cheng melted into the familiar feeling he remembered from his youth. Everything seemed alright with the world.

All his worries for his brother were all but erased, Wei Wuxian was fine. It was great to see him like this, finally moving around as he always should have and living a happy life. Just like him and Jiang Yanli. Despite all the odds and how their parents had been – or more precisely had not been – raising them, they have all found happiness in the end. And that was the most important.

Letting go of self-restraint 5 - Great happiness in a small packageDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora