Chapter 9

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The little visit was coming to an end and Lan Wangji was still watching his husband with worried eyes: "Oh, Wei Ying... why do you never change the way you think about yourself? We have been through this so many times already and yet, it is still the first instinct for you to immediately call yourself guilty of everything. Even for things which are completely out of your control or someone else's fault.

I understand that you do not know any better. I can feel it from you every single time, but I wish with all my heart that one day, you will be able to recognize that what Yu Ziyuan had taught you is nothing but lies. And if you are overreacting just a little now, it is also her fault, never yours."

Lan Wangji made sure that those thought reached his husband, like so many times before. He wanted to make sure that Wei Ying understood. However, even with understanding, it was always hard to let go of old habits, especially when they had been installed this deep and taught by fear.

He felt Wei Ying silently nodding in their shared mind space and hugged him just a little closer to his side. They were currently sitting at a low table together with Lan Xichen and watching from afar how Nie Huisang played with little A-Yuan. The child seemed to be enjoying himself very much and both Lan Wangji and his soulmate could not hide their smiles. It was too adorable for words.

As minutes went by, Wei Ying was finally starting to unwind and relax a little bit. His tense shoulders slumped a little bit and his whole posture was screaming relief. Although Lan Wangji could still sense his guilt, hidden deep within, and also how much he wanted to have A-Yuan back in his arms, his husband did not say anything. Apparently, this was for him one of the moments he decided he would give more freedom to their son. It was not like Nie Huisang was proposing to take him away from the room or anything.

Lan Wangji did not listen to his brother talking, and neither did Wei Ying, but Lan Xichen was not deterred and the Second Jade was actually grateful to him. It helped to have at least some sort of normalcy in the Jingshi. And even though he had never appreciated too much company, it was nice of Nie Huisang and Lan Xichen to have come to see them. Perhaps this was what the First Jade had been talking about when he had reassured Lan Wangji that he had a plan in mind when it came to helping Wei Ying.

As if Nie Huisang had read his mind, he suddenly stood up with A-Yuan in his arms. He approached the low table and carefully sat down next to Lan Xichen. If Lan Wangji was capable of doing anything but concentrating on Wei Ying at the moment, he would have perhaps found the distance between them just a little on the inappropriate side. As it stood though, He did not notice anything aside for the almost overwhelming relief coming from Wei Ying when their son was passed back into his arms.

When the child settled down, Nie Huisang straightened, suddenly looking all business but with an intricating glint in his eyes. All the previous playfulness was gone from him and all that remained was the ruthless and extremely intelligent spy master who had a plan ready to be put into action. From what Lan Wangji could tell, he knew about the situation with Wei Ying and had probably been asked by Lan Xichen to assist in easing the Omega's mind.

Just as Lan Wangji suspected, Nie Huisang dived right into it: "Brother Wei, you seem to be doing well, I am glad. And A-Yuan had grown a lot since the last time I saw him, he is such a strong and lucky boy. And he had the best parents." There was a short pause left for the words to sink in but the Qinghe Nie sect heir continued before Wei Wuxian had time to interrupt him: "And you have been together with Lan Wangji for three years already, time sure flies fast. It feels like yesterday that we were all just students here in the Cloud Recesses..."

This time, the pause was longer and Wei Ying had actually time to agree: "I know right? I still do not know to what lucky star I should be thanking for giving me such an incredible husband. I do not deserve Lan Zhan, he is simply way too good..."

Lan Wangji did not let his partner continue and hummed low key but at the same time for everyone in the Jingshi to hear: "Wei Ying is the best. I am the lucky one."

It was Lan Xichen who did not allow the silly argument to continue and he mediated with a kind and a little exasperated smile: "This is not a competition; you are simply the best for each other. You are fated soulmates after all, you were searching for your other half to spend your lives together."

At his bold statement, Lan Wangji's ears started flaming bright red, so hot in fact that he was worried his hair would catch on fire. He shifted his eyes away from his brother who now had a knowing expression and looked at his husband. Wei Ying himself appeared slightly flustered and his eyes were glued to A-Yuan in his lap. However, Lan Wangji knew what he was thinking and feeling: his fated soulmate was extremely happy right now. Just as he himself was.

Still, it seemed that his husband had to have the last word and he whispered with soft determination into their mind bond: "Lan Zhan is still the best for me."

"And Wei Ying for me," did not refute his statement Lan Wangji.

As if A-Yuan could fell the silent dialogue between them and their love for each other, the toddler suddenly lifted both his arms and put his small chubby hands onto his parents' cheeks. It almost looked like he was the link between them, that he was what tied them together for ever.

"And perhaps it is like this," thought Lan Wangji to himself. Not that he and Wei Ying would not have been happy with just the two of them, as long as they were together. However, A-Yuan was multiplying this happiness a thousand-fold, or even more. He was the pride and joy of their lives, their private little sunshine.

And he smiled as one as well. It was infectious and Lan Wangji felt the corners of his lips turning upwards despite trying to keep his usual expression. His eyes minutely darted towards his husband's face and he had to say that they were in the same predicament. Only, Wei Ying did not try to control his wide grin at all as he kissed first A-Yuan's forehead and then leaned forward to also reward his husband.

Their little moment of pure bliss was interrupted by an amused looking Nie Huisang. Way too soon for Lan Wangji's comfort and satisfaction, he wanted to continue kissing his husband as if there was no tomorrow.

"Should we watch A-Yuan for you so you can continue? I am sure you have something special planned to celebrate your anniversary together."

The question made both Wei Ying and Lan Wangji beet red again. They had been caught red handed, not that the Second Jade minded all that much, he wanted to show off his perfect husband and child to the whole world. Perhaps just not right now, in this particular situation and with this particular company.

I was just re-reading some parts of the previous parts of this series and realized that I was changing the writing style in this book so far. I am sorry for this, especially if you liked the previous style. Well, now I tried to go back to it and in the following days, I will also be editing the previous chapters to click together.

Sorry for any inconvenience and I hope you will continue reading the story despite this abrupt change. Thank you ans stay safe :)

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