Snowfairy ball pt-2

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"Its gonna be ok.don't be nervous.your grace." Said sunoo as he saw Heeseung constantly fiddling with his fingers.

"Ye--ah." Said heesung stuttering still nervous. Cause why not this is his first being in this kind of fancy ball.even though he is a prince his family never involved him in any celebration.and his whole life receiving critism he really can't calm his nerves and not to mention it was a he had never ever participate.he just wishes he can just fly way like that white snow.but yeah he can't so he definitely well atleast should gain some attention enough so that he won't be bullied that's the only thing he wishes for now.

"Uhmm It don't looks like you believe me your grace.I will--no I promise that everything goes well and if you are worried someone will bother your grace.just let me handle it.ok?" Said sunoo as he looked at heeseung.

"Thank you." Said Heeseung as he gave a smile to sunoo.

"What are you talking about?that you didn't involve guess i am a quiet lonely man." Said jake who was just beside them as he came back as one of the servants called for something.

"Its nothing like that.I am just nervous and sunoo was just calming me." Said heeseung as he looked at jake smiling.

"Haha I am just kidding your grace.then should we go?" Asked jake as he took heeseung hand as he nodded.amd they both walked into ball.

And as soon as they step foot whispers began filling the wouldn't as the kingdom's left and right man are escorting a beautiful man they had never seen with the famous siblings of choi  clan following behind the beautiful man.

And the whispering made the Heeseung shiver a he was hearing them after a long Heesung stand there nervously with the jake and sunoo.the two men were busy glaring at others who are whispering.

Sunoo and jake slowly escorted heesung aside to a heeseung can feel safe.and the choi duo also followed them as they gave heeseung a worried face.

"Are you okay your grace?" Asked beomgyu looking worried.

"Yea--h I am fine just a little nervous I guess." Said Heesung not wanting to worry the group.

And others didn't buy it.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" Asked heeseung with an nervous laugh trying to lighten up the mood.
And yeah miserably failing at that as the group still have worried expression on their face.

"You gu--ys don't believe me?" Said heeseung. As he went towards taking sunoo's hand.and led them towards the dance floor where others are also the other three stood their shocked at the sudden action.

"You should take deep breath first your grace or you are gonna turn blue." Joked sunoo as heeseung hit him on his shoulder's lightly which was nothing to the beta.

"Don't joke.I am so nervous.what if i mess up the dance and stepped on you or worse what if i faceplanted myself on the ground---" ranted heeseung nervously.

"Shh.everything gonna be alright your grace.just enjoy the dance.and look at me if your grace is too nervous.I am your partner for the be yourself.your grace." Said he now adjusted heeseung stiff hand on his shoulder and on his he freely hold the omega's thin waist.

"Than--k you." Said heesung as he now calm after hearing to sunno's words.

As sunoo smiled at him widely.the smile no one had ever seen.

"Your welcome." Replied they slowly moved and danced.and after 2 songs of peaceful dancing jake came complaining that he stole heesung from him even though he was also heeseung's escort.and heesung only laughed at it as sunoo glared at him.while after jake also danced with heeseung. As choi siblings also did the same. And after many dances with his group Heesung got exhausted so he wanted to rest.
So he whispered to sunoo as he was near to him.

"I am tired can I go and rest?" Asked heeseung as he leaned into whisper into sunoo 's ear.who had his ears red at that sudden action but quickly became normal.

"Yes your grac----" but before sunoo can finish his sentence heesung was again dragged into the dance floor this time not by the group but.....

"Yo--ur highness!" Heeseung shrieked as jay dragged him to the dance floor.

"So did you enjoy your new company's?" Jay asked more like spatted every word as his hand on Heeseung's waist tightened who lightly hissed as he felt the hold too tight.

"Let me must have enjoyed too much that you forget who you belong to." Spatted jay still irritated and angry.

"Wh--at do y--ou mea--n?" Stuttered heeseung as tried to control any painful groans escapes his lips.

But before jay replied more angrily heeseung was again in other hands.

"You really have the guts huh!" Said sunghoon who is holding heeseung again as heeseung's waist suffered once more.

"Ahh ca--n you pl--ease let go.i--t hurts.please your highness." Pleaded Heeseung as he can feel the side of his waist going numb from the pain.

"Just bear with it can do you have just been having fun whoring yourself don't you" sunghoon said now using his heeseung whimpered as tears started forming in his eyes.

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