Our property

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And Heeseung want to hit himself.for wanting to find the dining in this huge castle.of course he didn't think he will get lost as he was busy worrying about Jungwon's situation. He can only relax after he confirms that he is safe.

And like that he wandered around the huge ass castle which is an never ending place.and now he somehow ended up in a garden?as it has many flowers and plants in it.even though he would love to enjoy the view he is not in the situation to so he moved forward and walked and walked....

*clink* *clink*faster,stronger.1,2,3 again and 3,2,1." A training group of soldiers came into view of the omega as he quickly hid behind the bushes and again walked and like that now he reached a castle.which is different from where his room is from.it is even more magnificent.like it was built with a real gold.

And just as he was about to walk away.

"Hey!who are you?what are you doing here?" A voice shouted as the owner of the voice came towards Heeseung who stepped back and stared down at the ground.

"I am asking how did you enter the main palace?" The guy interrogated as heeseung kept his eyes on the ground he can sense the other one is a beta as their is no scent on him.

"Answer me---" shouted the guy as he lifted Heeseung's head roughly by his hair.

"Woah aren't you a beauty." Said the guy as he grinned.as Heeseung held on to the guys hand trying to free himself from the other man.but the other guy is not budging even an inch.

"Easy there beauty.let's have fun ok." Said the guy as he leaned towards heeseung who struggled to get out.

But before he can do anything he was interrupted by the immense pain on his arm which was holding heeseung's hair.and the creepy guy saw his arm on on the floor as screamed more. As heeseung slowly open his eyes to see the horrible scene infront him.the guy who just assaulted him has his arm on the floor as that guy started to shout painfully.blood streamed from the amputed part.

And he turned around to see the one who cutted his hand.

"You--r maje--sties." The guy stuttered as he bowed to the kings.

"How dare you touch the property of royalty!!" Shouted jay as sunghoon looked coldly at the guy infront of his sword.

"Forgi--ve me you--r majest--ies .I didn't know that was he was your property please spare me." The guy begged on his knees as hebowed his head completely on the ground.

"There will be no forgiveness for those who touch our property." Said sunghoon as he raised his sword.

"Stop.plea--se don't kill ." Said Heeseung as he peaked through his hands hoping they won't kill that person.yes he did hurt him but it doesn't mean he deserved to die.the guy getting amputed is already an big punishment.amd he didn't want to witness a death right infront of his eyes that to in cruel way.no way he will sleep without getting nightmare with guilt eating him up.

Jay and sunghoon saw how heeseung was trembling as they exchanged looks.

"*sighs*jake!!" Shouted sunghoon as a guy with blonde hair and puppy like features came hurriedly.

"Yes your majesty.what may I help you with?" The called guy asked as he bowed.

"Drag this guy away.I will tell you what to do after." Sunghoon said as he whispered the last part.

"Yes your majesties." Said jake as he bows his head amd dragged the guy away as per the kings  order.

"Why are you alone?" Asked jay as he turned towards heeseung who looked down.

"We are sure we send seonhyun to send a message for you to attend breakfast.ao why were you here?" Asked sunghoon as he also now looked at Heeseung.who nervously fiddled with his the long sleeves thread.

"And what's with that provoking outfit of yours.do you want to attract creepy guys like him towards you or what." Asked jay as he looked at what Heeseung wore.it may have been a decent dress if not it was too loose on the omega's body.and those thread design on his chest is just too much.well for heeseung he just saw it as a pice of clothing to cover himself.

"It is n-ot provoking. I just wore wh--at was there.and I just want to know about Jungwon's condition so I hurried here after hearing you invited me.so I thought it was about him." Said Heeseung defending himself from the two kings statements.

*sigh*the both kings let out a sigh as they shook their heads.

"Hah ok just come we will talk while we eat break fast." Said jay as he lifted Heeseung in his arms.as the latter let out a surprised shriek.

"Le--t me down sir I can walk my self." Said Heeseung as he struggled to get but the hold on him just tightened more.

"Just be good pretty." Said jay as he walled into the main castle beside sunghoon while carrying the omega into the main palace.

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