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【 28 : 𝖍𝖔𝖙 𝖘𝖙𝖚𝖋𝖋?? 】

" 𝖀ncle, my anger had reach the limit at this point " she hide her face on his office's desk. Lee Hao had gone back to their room and that leaves her and Coach Zhao.

" Calm down. Breathes in and breathes out just like I taught. Clear your mind. Think about things that make you happy. "

" I'll try but when I thought about how they playing with Asuto's feeling , I get mad. "

" I also want all of this to be stop .. but we have to be cautious. One step wrong could ruin the whole plan. So we must be patience"

After that, Zhao Jinyun's phone rang.

" It's me...

Inamori Asuto is offically an Orion disciple....

It was his own decision"

The caller end the call .

" His decision? His decision my a$$" she groan again.

" Calm down. And don't break my desk!! That's ancient and uniques desk! I don't want to pay for it. Besides, it look elegant like me!"

When she was angry , she possibly break a chair or desk or wall . Her hand just want to punch something, i guess.

She rolled her eyes. " Okay, uncle"

" Now! Go! I have to do my beauty rest!" Coach Zhao kick her out from his room.

" Ack!! This old man!!!"


In the morning...

" This is bad news , he doesnt even call back once yesterday" they were so down because of Asuto's dissapearance. They worried of his safety.

" You're right"

" Maybe we should contact the police,gosu"

" Oh right! 110!" - Goujin take his phone ,ready to call police.

" Eh ? Its definitely different number, we're in Russia!" Sakanoue said.

" Seriously?! Then what's the number?"

" That's no need for that" Coach Zhao arrived with Hikari and Lee Hao.

" Inamori-kun's contacted me last night, He said he'll be returning late due to his affair with his father"

" Minna gomen! *fingergun* he told me"

" You're lying about the fingergun part ,right?!" - Sakanoue

Hikari sweatdropped. She walk away to take her breakfast.

" This is yours, Hikari-chan!"

" Thank you, Tsu-chan"

Nosaka staring at her. She sit with Zhao Jinyun and Lee Hao.

" Okay then we have to train harder to make up for Asuto's absence! But first we have to finish our breakfast!!"

"May I join you guys" familiar voice said.


Hikari and the others turn to the voice.

" HUH?!"

" GOSU?!"


"Long time no see, guys!"

【𝐈𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐚 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐍𝐨 𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐢𝐧 𝐗 𝐎𝐂】(ᴏɢ)Where stories live. Discover now