Chapter 12

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Naruto: Phew, that was delicious, I'll have to check it out again.
Issei: damn naruto you still have some food to share.
Naruto: or fuck you, you think I forgot how you acted in the restaurant!
Rias: you two stop fighting over nothing!
Naruto/Issei: It's not a trifle!
Asia: By the way, Naruto-san, when is our wedding?
Naruto: ah, that's... I think we can do without the wedding..
Asia: what?!  B-but still, the wedding is done after the marriage proposal is made!
Naruto: Don't worry, we'll have a honeymoon.
Asia: only two?
Naruto: Of course!  Just you and me!
Asia: wow!  I'll pack our things then.
Naruto: ok, just don't forget...
Rias: hey, you haven't forgotten about me?!
Naruto: and that, well, I talked to your parents and explained that I'm not interested in such things.
Rias: how could you even do that!  But I love you!
Asia: Rias-san...
Naruto: Listen Rias, I'm sure you'll find a better guy in this world than me.
Rias: don't calm me down!  Leave me alone and don't come back!
Naruto: ok, apparently there is no other way.
Asia: Then, I'll go with you Naruto-san.
Rias just turned away from them and Issei couldn't make a sound and that he doesn't want to get caught in the crossfire, especially since it's a relationship problem and he decided to get out of harm's way.
Naruto: Asia-chan let's go.
Asia: okay Naruto-san.
Naruto and Asia were at the airport and the plane was due to leave in about 15 minutes.
Naruto: I can't understand, if you're offended by me then why did you come here?
Rias: aren't you happy that I want to see you off?
Naruto: that's not the point, I just thought you didn't want to see us.
Rias: I don't want only you, and I came here to say goodbye to Asiaiei.
Asia: with me?  Wasn't it because of me that quarrel started?
Rias: you didn't mean to fight, it was just inevitable, I'm not mad at you.
Naruto: ok, we have to go now, is Asia-chan ready?
Asia: Of course, but it's hard for me to leave here even though we've been here for two months.
Naruto: don't worry, we're only going away for a month, so see you Rias.
Asia: Rias-san we'll be back soon so don't worry about me.
Rias: ok go ahead or you won't make it to the plane.
Naruto/Asia: see you soon Rias/Rias-san.
They flew to Miami in twenty minutes and now they were waiting for a taxi.  Naruto booked a room in a five star hotel.  The bedroom had a huge flat screen TV, a mini bar near the kitchen and a mini safe hidden behind a picture, at the back of the hotel there was a huge pool with sun loungers.
Asia: what a beautiful place!
Naruto: This hotel is beautiful, but it doesn't compare to your beauty.
Asia blushed at his words, this is her first time being complimented.
Asia: Naruto-san, you're embarrassing me.
Naruto: what?  I just told the truth.  And besides, I have a gift.
Asia: a gift?
Naruto: I present to you our new family member, his name is Tolyan.
Naruto took a small pug out of the box.
Asia: God, he's so cute!
Naruto: Asia, meet his name is Tolyan, Tolyan, meet her name is Asia.
Asia: but why Tolyan?
Naruto: God knows, the author wanted it that way.
Ykkero: so don't break the fourth wall, and the name is very good don't judge me!
Let's skip a little time
Naruto: yes you fucked up skipping!
Ykkero: shut the fuck up or I'll send you to Boruto
Naruto: ok excuse me I don't want to remember it, they nerfed me there.
Ykkero: we all continue!
Naruto and Asia were walking around Miami with Tolyan.
Asia: Naruto-san, look, they give free ice cream there.
Naruto: so what are we waiting for, let's go!
Naruto took 15 ice cream cones, Asia was satisfied with one cone.
Naruto: They make ice cream here better than in Konoha.
Asia: Konoha?  What is this city?
Naruto: what about this?  I'll tell you when the time comes.
Asia: but why, I'm your wife, isn't that enough, and in general, we gave each other a word that we would not keep secrets.
Naruto: ok, I'll tell you everything as soon as we get back to the hotel, and then you decide whether you believe me or not.
Asia: well, it's just getting dark, it's time to go back to the hotel.
Naruto: Hey Tolyan, do you want to buy something?
Tolyan: woof woof.
Naruto: Good means dog food and water from the toilet.  Well, we will buy food, but you will find water yourself.
Asia: do you understand animals?
Naruto: You could say that, but I wasn't interested in that so I didn't say anything.
Asia: we’ll quickly return to the hotel, and we’ll buy food on the way, I already want to know more about you.
Naruto talked about the fact that he was from another universe, told about life in Konoha, how they addressed him, told about how this goat named Sasuke escaped from the village and how he managed to win the respect of the village, he also talked about the war and about the ten-tails with Kurama  did not forget.  After the story, Asia cried and asked for forgiveness for the rude things she said, although Naruto did not remember her being rude to him.
Naruto: don't cry because of me, it's already gone and now I'm happy next to you.
Asia: but I feel sorry for you, you were only hated because you have a huge fox inside, that's stupid!
Naruto: but still they recognized me as a hero and no longer see me as a monster.
Asia: Even if that's the case, I won't forgive them.  I will be strong and I will help you.
Naruto: don't be strong, I'll be strong.  Just be gentle and love me.
It's been two weeks since they arrived, and in the meantime, Issei had his own problems.
Issei: It's been quite a while since we met and I think.. No, it won't do.  Mio, we've been dating for a long time and I want to say... Damn it!  How difficult it is to find words, in the series it seemed easier.
Ddraig: That's why they're series.
Issei: Ddraig!  What's the matter, usually you just sleep.
Ddraig: how can i fall asleep if you can't think of one fucking sentence for three hours already!
Issei: you think it's easy to make a marriage proposal, you have to say words that will decorate this moment.
Ddraig: and when did you become a true romantic?
Issei: It doesn't matter, I need your help now!  Help me think of words to propose to her!
Ddraig: What are you thinking?!  Say just marry me.
Issei: you can't just say it like that, those words won't create a special atmosphere.
Ddraig: fuck you with your atmosphere, otherwise I will say that instead of an atmosphere you will have a stratosphere!  I remember what happened to you, and you still cannot forget it.
Issei: don't you dare!  Nobody needs to know about this!
Ddraig: then just make a romantic dinner with candles and propose to her, it will work 100%.
Issei: ok let's try.
Try number one.
Issei's parents went to visit, Issei took the opportunity and did everything as planned.  A table for two in the kitchen, no light, only candles and spaghetti with meatballs and champagne (I know wine would be better, Issei is just afraid that he will step over the line).
Mio: Issei-kun did you want to say something?
Issei: yeah, we've been dating for quite some time now...
A magic circle appeared in the room and Rias came out.
Rias: Issei get ready the fallen ones attacked our academy.
Issei(💭): Damn those fallen ones!
Attempt number two.
This time Issei invited Mio to the festival which is celebrated every year.  Now he was standing on the hill Mio and was ready to get the ring.
Xenovia: Issei let's go, renegade demons are attacking people!
Issei: motherfucker!
Attempt number three
Issei and Mio lay on the same bed in complete silence, Issei decided that this was the right moment.  Kiba flew in from the window.
Kiba: Issei let's go!  Exorcists staged a massacre.
Issei's left eye twitched and had an ominous aura around him as he shot out of the house in dragon armor like a bullet.
Exorcist 1: Another Demon!
Exorcist 2: Let's kill them all at once!
Issei: how did you fuck me, already 3 times I've been trying to propose to my girlfriend but everything is constantly getting in the way, now fallen, then some kind of demons and now you!  Bastards, yes, I will grind you to powder with your church!
After the battle or rather the destruction of the exorcists, Issei still managed to make an offer despite the fact that all his friends were nearby, she agreed and decided that she would move to him, and the church was really destroyed, even if it was in the outskirts of the city Issei was not too lazy to fly there and  come back with a bouquet of flowers.
Naruto and Asia had spent a whole month in Miami and were now at their new home in Kuoh.  The house is two-story with a beautiful yard, not too rich, not too poor, everything is fine.  Naruto and Asia found out about Issei and Mio's engagement, Astya bought gifts for them and Naruto meanwhile helped Issei in organizing the wedding, everything went very well.  The alcohol was removed so as not to cause problems, Kiba gave them cooking utensils, Koneko made a lot of sweets and gave Mio a recipe book, Akeno bought them special clothes, Rias gave them a New Home, Asia gave them a rare breed cat, and Naruto gave them both orange  book (those who watched Naruto will understand).  Asia no longer complained about Naruto because of the wedding, because they had a passionate night in bed, and in a few months a new miracle would appear in their family.
Naruto: Well, why did you call me?
Azazel: why?  I told you over the phone that the new Sacred Gears are ready.
Naruto: oh yeah, totally out of my head.  Well, how are they?  Our New Sacred Gears
Azazel: Mine works fine, I want to check yours.  My Longinus-type Sacred Gear is called Fafnir.
Naruto: ok my type "Longin" is also called Luinor.
Azazel: Alright, I'm ready to fight you.  I want to test the power of my Sacred Gear!
Naruto: Great, I haven't had good opponents in a long time.
Naruto and Azazel appeared in a special battlefield.
Naruto/Azazel: Level One!
Both have gloves on their left hand, Azazel has a yellow one with a blue orb inside, Naruto has a white one with a purple orb inside.  Both pounced on each other, Azazel dodged Naruto's punch which left a huge crack in the ground, he appeared in front of him and stopped his fist with one hand.
Naruto(💭): what the hell!
Azazel (💭): The left hand is able to swallow any blow, and the right hand transfers energy.  I have a feeling that I can beat Great Red.
Naruto: Lost Spiral!
A purple orb with a dark orb inside appeared in his hand, around which spirals swirled.  Azazel realized that he overestimated himself and dodged the sphere, but the blast wave threw him far away.
Azazel: Hell at level one, I can only absorb attacks and replenish my magicka.  However, I can't handle it now, level two!
The glove lengthened and reached the elbow.
Azazel: Divine layer!
His body was covered with golden light, and his speed and strength increased.  Azazel didn't even flinch when he hit him, he just stood there as if nothing had happened.  He punched him in the stomach, grabbed him by the neck before flying off and started beating him.  Naruto managed to get away from him with the help of a clone.
Naruto: second level!
His glove also reached to his elbow.
Naruto: energy layer!
His body was covered with a blue aura with lightning (like a Raikage), he moved at a crazy speed and destroyed the rock behind Azazel with one blow.  Ordinary demons or angels would only hear the sound of blows and explosions, but the highest-ranking demons and archangels clearly saw these two, by the way, all 4 Mao of the underworld were watching the battle as well as the archangels.  The fact that they were in shock is putting it mildly, they were sitting in awe, because it’s not every day that you see them create sacred mechanisms like “Longinus” as well.  And these two, meanwhile, destroyed everything that was next to them and the arena was empty.
Naruto: I think that's enough for today.
Azazel: you're right, we'll try the rest tomorrow.
Naruto: Hey guys, how are you?!
4 Maou and Archangels appeared in the magic circle.
Sisrekh: I must say, you never cease to amaze me.
Michael: To do what only God could do is more of an achievement.
Ajuka: you really did it!
Azazel: I did not do it alone, he helped me a lot in this.
Serefall: wow you're so cool what's your aunt's name?
Naruto: Uzumaki Naruto, nice to meet you.
Serafall: Serefall Leviathan!
Ajuka: Ajuka Beelzebub.
Falbium: Falbium Asmodeus
Sizrekh: I'm Sizrekh Lucifer, you already know me.
Michael: Michael
Gabrielle: Gabrielle
Raphael: Rafael
Uriel: Uriel
Naruto: nice to meet you, but I have to go home, my wife is probably already worried.
Azazel: what?!  When did you manage to get married and why didn't you invite to the wedding?!
Naruto: we just called the priest and made a marriage contract.
Sisrekh: it's a pity that my sister was not lucky with such a guy.
Naruto: What are you Sisreh, she will find a boyfriend, don't worry.
Serefall: listen Naruto kun can you marry me too?!
Everyone looked at her in shock.
Serefall: what?!
Falbium: You don't like guys.
Serefall: yes, ordinary guys are perverts who only think about how to lose their virginity.  And he is very good, despite the fact that he is a man.
Gabrielle: In that case, I'm against it!
All-Gabrielle: Why?!
Gabrielle: You'll just spoil such a good person, I think I'll suit him better.
Everyone but Gabrielle's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.  Find out that the Archangel, who did not show interest in any man, just said that she has feelings for a man.
Naruto: Of course you are beautiful and very strong, but I have a wife whom I love very much and soon I will have a daughter.  That's why I can't afford it.
Everyone was surprised by what was said, to refuse the two most beautiful women of hell and heaven, and our beauties were more convinced that he was exactly who they were looking for.
Naruto: ok good luck everyone, see you soon!
All-Naruto: see you soon!
Naruto: Honey, I'm home!
Asia: great, dinner is ready wash your hands and sit down.
Naruto: ok, Tolyan let's go wash our hands.
Tolyan: woof woof.
After washing hands/paws.
Naruto: What's for dinner?
Asia: Teriyaki chicken, Tolyan, here's your portion.
Naruto: You've got the hang of it quickly.
Asia: Naturally, I always learned how to cook when I lived with Rias-san.
Naruto: Delicious!  Even the old man's ramen wasn't that delicious.
Tolyan: woof woof
Naruto: I see Tolyana liked your food too.
Asia: After dinner we have dessert so don't rush.
Naruto/Tolyan: ooh/woof
Asia: Finish your meal first, then get dessert.
Naruto and Tolyan ate everything without leaving a drop of fat on the plate.
Naruto/Tolyan: we're done/ woof woof.
Asia: Daiyaki, Daifuku, Dorayaki.
Taiyaki are Japanese fish-shaped cookies.
Daifuku is a Japanese sweet, a small rice cake stuffed with anko, a sweet paste made from adzuki beans.
Dorayaki - A type of wagashi, two castella biscuits with anko, adzuki bean paste, in between.
After dinner.
Naruto: I'm full, what about you Tolyan?
Tolyan: woof woof.
Asia: Come on, I already washed the dishes.
Naruto: where?
Asia: Today is Friday, and Friday night we always watch movies and eat popcorn.
Naruto: Damn, I'm full, I doubt that popcorn will fit into me.
Asia: go have some cola and I will prepare everything for your convenience.
They spent the evening in a good atmosphere, watched a comedy, ate popcorn, drank cola, everything went well, or almost well.
Kurama: you fucked me already, when will they show me?
Ykkero: calm down, I'll try to stuff you somewhere in the plot.
Kurama: what the hell is the plot?!  You didn't get caught at all!  You didn't read the manga or watched the anime, but you write based on what you read in other stories about dxd, a pitiful sight!
Ykkero: shut up!  I try to add from myself sometimes and I'm good at it!
Kurama: what's going on?  Do not make me laugh!  You don't have more than 200 views on Wattpad, and Ficbook is a total asshole!
Ykkero: I'm new to this stuff, so don't be so harsh, I'll add you in the next chapter, no matter.
Kurama: I hope so, otherwise I will tell you about your next fanfic.
Naruto: Fuck off!  Here people are trying to sleep!
Ykkero: why the hell am I arguing with you, it's all over.

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